The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it. So in times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act, and if you hang on to the truth, even against the whole world, you will not go mad. I'm not missing the point. If you are preaching to only be nice to people who are "right" in your eyes: you are missing the point. Those who voted for Trump are *victims* of the manipulation by those who control the media (Facebook, X). They deserve our kindness too.
Is it okay that when I went in to eat breakfast and the TVs were turned to the inauguration, I seated myself so I could not see any of the TVs and put on my headset so I couldn't hear any of the speech?
Skeets? Only some call them that. Jay, Bluesky CEO hates that term and prefers we call them "posts".
I don't use "skeet" because it already has prior meanings, one of which is "ejaculating". Which might be appropriate for some, but the mental imagery just makes me laugh too much. ;)
I'm of Jewish decent My family members thought exactly the same way when Nazis first came to power. Some members of my family were held in camps, and a few escaped to America. I understand your position but can not embrace all of it Maybe it's generational trauma. Maybe it's historical experience
The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it. So in times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act, and if you hang on to the truth, even against the whole world, you will not go mad.
In which vein I should probably stress that this reply is also in kindness.
I don't use "skeet" because it already has prior meanings, one of which is "ejaculating". Which might be appropriate for some, but the mental imagery just makes me laugh too much. ;)
A clear mind is a fertile land for focus.