Dear Friends: You may consider be completely informed and caught up on the point of view “why are you talking about law, law doesn’t matter any more, all that is pointless.” Labor no more.
I commend your very useful efforts and release you to your other important tasks, for the good of the city.
I commend your very useful efforts and release you to your other important tasks, for the good of the city.
"If you need a God to be moral, are you moral?"
The only viable solutions to this problem are illegal ones. Not least of which because we are rapidly approaching (IF we haven't already reached) the point where opposing our fascist government in any meaningful way is, itself, illegal.
If conservatism is the idea that there must be an in group that the law protects but... (1/2)
So should you.
Call your union rep.
We're in a lifeboat, negativity kills
Set up a second account for political accounts to follow or unfollow them but put them in a self created list and read when you can.