I've read it. I read for enjoyment and I enjoyed it. I like seeing what other writers can come up with. I want to know where writers come up with ideas like the apparitions. It fascinates me, because it's something I rarely can do.
The story took many turns. At first the setting was a hospital and the apparitions were stained glass. I think I got the idea when a friend was dying, the way the light came in, I loved the idea of a soul leaving through a hospital window and leaving a design. But..
if *everyone* left an apparition that meant hospital staff had to replace the glass every time. From what I know about hospitals that would *never* happen.
So it became ice, & therefore a frozen landscape with a bridge passing over. No place like that with 17mm people exists so I just..created it.
I think my point is we should be out there living our lives, getting our noses bloody and our hearts broken. When something occurs to us we write it, but it needs to be "true" within its own set of rules. I like reading other words thinking: "how much more normal was the first draft, here?"
The story took many turns. At first the setting was a hospital and the apparitions were stained glass. I think I got the idea when a friend was dying, the way the light came in, I loved the idea of a soul leaving through a hospital window and leaving a design. But..
So it became ice, & therefore a frozen landscape with a bridge passing over. No place like that with 17mm people exists so I just..created it.