If you want to make sure you’re spending your hard-earned money with ethical companies, save this Goods Unite Us link to your phone or desktop. You can quickly run a political background check on a company to find out. Let’s grab them by the wallet #Voices4Victory
* Can you fix it instead?
* Can you find it at a thrift store?
* Is there a DIY option that cuts out Walmart, Ebay or Amazon?
Quarterly earnings will drop and we'll quickly see that billionaires have bosses too: shareholders.
Saves us money too! 😃
What is my tax preparation company, my lender, my insurance company, etc. doing to protect consumers from the threat of Musk & Co.'s hacking of the U.S. Treasury? What about respecting the court orders re: all of this?
It’s a great app
In case you haven’t read this yet, please do and if you feel moved to do so, share widely
Car rental: Enterprise Red vs Thrifty Blue.
Home supplies: HD and Lowes Red, Harbor Freight Blue
Crafts:Hobby Lobby Red, Michael's Blue
You know what Yahoo stands for?
You Always Have Other Options.
This will be getting worse.
I really can’t attend protests but I can protest by daily calling my MOCs & by protesting w/my $$$