Truly. I was just speaking for me personally but you're right, people have known that wealth causes brain damage for thousands of years. I think that's one of the origins of many religions.
fascism truly is the enemy of humanity from it's earliest cancerous growths to it's current tumorous, unstopped spread across our planet's life-ecosystem
It's hard to believe that the ultra rich would rather see starving, unvaccinated kids and be entertained seeing jobless/homeless adults instead of paying taxes. Many of them most likely spend more for one meal than whatever taxes they would have to pay anyway.
What you don't understand about the ultra-rich is that they take no joy in the wealth they amass. Rather, they delight in depriving others of the resources that would improve their lives.
Kids in ultra-wealthy families usually believe their birthright places them in a higher station than the rest of us. It is more than their right, but their duty, to exploit us and steal from us. They think we merely imitate feelings and that we don't truly suffer.
I truly believe that this country is having a renaissance. We lost control of a representative government. That is the American people’s fault. We have just been brainwashed & gaslight. FROM BOTH SIDES. It’s like a civilized civil war. Democrats & Republican. Neither do anything for Americans.
Who won civil rights, women’s rights including abortion, who won marriage equality? Who supports unions? Public schools? Who fights for more progressive taxes?
You're looking to thieves? They have always been finding ways to steal from tax payers, and the general public one way or another. Paying them less. Getting more tax cuts. Passing bills to benefit them most, etc. Take a look at the California water on Youtube. How did an actress own the water?
Indoctrinated by their pastors who are sucking huge amounts of money off them, enriching themselves and [against the tax laws], promoting who their congregations are expected to vote for. Tax them too. They are neither Christians nor patriotic.
I don't mind ultra-rich people so long as they know their place. Warren Buffet doesn't tell me how to live and I don't mind him controlling enough money to buy Canada, so long as he doesn't try to buy Canada.
I already do and think they should be removed from the gene pool for .. not playing nice with society. its time to start asking the question ... What is the point of society... why does it exist.... what is it for ?
Ultra-rich people have become a burden for the US.
Ultra-rich people have become a danger to the US.
Ultra-rich people are exploiting the weak point - the US.
Our duty is to protect the vulnerable folks and properties.
And our government leaders both Dems and Reps tweaked our laws for generations to make it this way. Getting their own kickbacks and becoming filthy rich along the way.
“We the People” let this happen. Fighting amongst our selves rather than uniting and stopping it. 🤷♂️
These MF’rs are grappling for our hard earned tax dollars, they want the money we paid into SS, Medicaid and Medicare for decades, when they’ve paid little to nothing!! FUCK MILLIONAIRES AND BILLIONAIRES!!
Given this a lot of thought, and naming and blaming makes more of a mess.
Our culture promotes this mentality and behavior, and greed-sickness. Evolution past grandiosity might take a while - we are the front line of capitalism and look at the situation we are in. Samsara.
Folks who have worked hard and captured wealth—congrats. these folks did not garner wealth without infrastructure, labor, teachers, hospitals … wealthy MUST pay their fair share. Middle class cannot sustain taxation in every aspect of their lives while wealthy skip aside accountability.
The percentage of psychopaths with politicians and managers is more than 5x higher, than in society. It’s a problem of addiction and abuse of power - the opposite of what a social society wants.
The question is, why we put them there, where they can harm most?
I remember learning about native tribes that had potlatchs, and they gave away their possessions.
The one who gave away the most was considered the richest.
Thats the energy i want in the world.
Im a dreamer, obviously.
I am Mahmoud from Gaza. I need help evacuating my family to a safe place. If you are able to contribute or share the link, it would make a huge difference. The link is in the bio.
Thank you to everyone who helps. 🫀🙏🏻
The definition of a rich person: one who has more than he needs but still keeps it all to himself.
To JD Vance and all other fake Catholics: Jesus' words in the Gospel: It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven.
See them for what they are broken pathological predators who hoard while others starve. Far more than they could ever need for their family or their heirs or their heirs heirs.
Right after this next economic collapse, I'd bet. A similar thing happened 100 years ago and it led to the New Deal, a rise in unions and a top tax rate of 90%. This was considered the golden age in the US.
They are the ones pushing for “the go back to the office theme”,even if your job can easily and more productively, be done from home.
The rich companies and billionaires owning such want to feel in control over their workers. It’s all about power and dominance.
It's amazing. The godless, soulless, spineless republican congress cowers in the corner in fear of don.
Maybe they are in fear of the wrong person/group.
They will need to return home. Their addresses are known.
Shall Justice be brought to them?
It's a small planet.
Just saying...
There is no cure for greed, it has to be continuously thinned. Best we can hope for is a period where the rich are kept in check, held accountable for lies and corruption and forced to pay taxes and livable wages.
Wealthy succubus have one focus every day. Figure out how to take more.
I remember as a kid, (in the 70’s) my dad said something to one of his friends. He said there should be a cap on how much money any person can have. He even said these times are coming. There will only be rich OR poor after year 2000. We a bit late, but here we are, rapidly approaching.
The rich are not a sustainable cohort. Their predation and parasitism puts horrific pressure on all other's lives. Sort of a gangrene upon society. Only 750 billionaires in USA, and the smell tips us off. Detection and lifesaving surgery is straightforward.
Yet democrats keep trying to be more like the Clinton’s. Neoliberal mind virus
A rich imbecile is deemed to be smart.
A dishonest billionaire is deemed to be trustworthy.
An immoral billionaire is deemed to be virtuous.
The monsters in the world seldom come from modest means. They are born into wealth
Democrats. They are NOT the same. 🤣🤣🤣
Ticks sucking the lifeblood out of our country and leaving behind diseases of poverty, bigotry and hatred.
Famous speech from someone can't remember who or if I have it right, my head is full of gobble gook. Brain fog started in early November.
That will take care of the bloat!
Unbridled GREED has been viewed as a SIN - or failing- by every major religion and every philosophical thinker
The problem is at some point it isn’t just an individual failing but has permeated into the fabric of society to such a degree that MIGHT IS RIGHT 😟
Ultra-rich people have become a danger to the US.
Ultra-rich people are exploiting the weak point - the US.
Our duty is to protect the vulnerable folks and properties.
“We the People” let this happen. Fighting amongst our selves rather than uniting and stopping it. 🤷♂️
🤡 🌍
Our culture promotes this mentality and behavior, and greed-sickness. Evolution past grandiosity might take a while - we are the front line of capitalism and look at the situation we are in. Samsara.
Just sayin'
The question is, why we put them there, where they can harm most?
Hoard a million bucks you're a "hero".
Hoard a million cats they ship you off to the looney bin.
There's no difference. They're both a mental illness.
One just smells better.
The one who gave away the most was considered the richest.
Thats the energy i want in the world.
Im a dreamer, obviously.
Everyone knows a camel can't go through the eye of a needle. The greedy don't inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Sitting on millions of dollars while other people suffer - that is an ABOMINATION to God! Disgusting and vile creatures will die.
I am Mahmoud from Gaza. I need help evacuating my family to a safe place. If you are able to contribute or share the link, it would make a huge difference. The link is in the bio.
Thank you to everyone who helps. 🫀🙏🏻
To JD Vance and all other fake Catholics: Jesus' words in the Gospel: It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven.
I think we might make it stick this time.
Assuming the Nazis lose again, of course.
The rich companies and billionaires owning such want to feel in control over their workers. It’s all about power and dominance.
Every time you vote for a Republican, you vote to tax the rich less and put programs like Social Security in more danger of termination.
EVERY FUCKING TIME. It's the party's long-term plan!
If you don't like what's going on, STOP VOTING GOP.
Maybe they are in fear of the wrong person/group.
They will need to return home. Their addresses are known.
Shall Justice be brought to them?
It's a small planet.
Just saying...
Wealthy succubus have one focus every day. Figure out how to take more.
we have a LOTto unlearn.