It was extremely good
It had its own issues but as a whole package it was really good.
And was the introduction for Insect Glaive and Charge Blade so it (MH4) is the first game to have all 14 weapon types.
A handful of monsters in the game didn't have quests so the only way to fight them was to find them in the Everwood (a semi-procedurally generated map) and unlock a Quest for it
The best equipment in the game are tied to relic weapons that have you fight the same 3 monsters for the best shot at them
I’ll give them my life if they port it to PC, my biggest issue with older gens is that I can’t use mouse and keyboard, mostly the mouse for the camera movement
I was fire forged in the lack of camera control. Actually having a second stick to control the camera was the biggest upgrade the series had for me going from Generarions to World.
Playing on a New 3DS (fantastic name Nintendo, very cool) was an experience. But I did get used to controlling the camera with the ZL and ZR buttons the N3DS had.
If I played on PC with KB/M I probably wouldn't know my way around the controls and yearn for a controller lmao.
Actual opposites.
No it is not.
I remember seeing the Charge Blade and was like, "SICK." (I think this was when it was introduced.)
Would like to try it.
It had its own issues but as a whole package it was really good.
And was the introduction for Insect Glaive and Charge Blade so it (MH4) is the first game to have all 14 weapon types.
That's cool that it was the first !
What were the issues with it then?
The best equipment in the game are tied to relic weapons that have you fight the same 3 monsters for the best shot at them
It shares its slow start with previous games with hours of mandatory gathering quests and such.
It's only playable on 3DS, which means the only (legal) way to play it is finding a physical copy.
Gathering Hall quests are balanced only for 4 players even when playing solo, a trait it shares with previous games as well.
That's just off the top of my head.
Probably should’ve mailed that pipebomb to someone else then
If I played on PC with KB/M I probably wouldn't know my way around the controls and yearn for a controller lmao.
Actual opposites.
Great Jaggi theme slaps though
Like this thing but I could be getting the history wrong
I easily could have just forgot they had a shared theme in 4U.
I do remember them having one in Generations and it was very silly.
Maybe one day