Here's a slice of + data, merged using entity resolution from Senzing.
I got to wondering about the temporal graph (transactions) in AML, which "overlays" atop the structural graph of UBO ... and recalled my ORSA training ...
I got to wondering about the temporal graph (transactions) in AML, which "overlays" atop the structural graph of UBO ... and recalled my ORSA training ...
plus tool-tips on hover for the generated HTML
For example, this uses _random forest_ from scikit-learn.
For example, "BAKTELEKOM MMC" transferred out 10^9 (hundreds of millions)
"From Raw Data to Resolved Identities: Transforming Your Data for Senzing Entity Resolution"
Analysis of this OCCRP dataset, showing how to create a Senzing mapping for running entity resolution.
* this is a relatively sparse graph with diameter = 4
* 423 nodes out of the 437 total are in the periphery
* does the flow hierarchy shows that few edges participate in cycles?
* does the many `021U` triads indicate "burst in beneficiaries" AML tradecraft pattern?
For the OCCPR data analysis, see the `occrp.ipynb` notebook
Then see "DANSKE BANK A/S EESTI FILIAAL" in this list. Ostensibly the leak came from a Danske Bank branch in Estonia, is it the same?