I for one agree that the scolding tone of liberal moralism has been destructive and off putting to many crucial constituencies, which is why I am doing my part to save democracy by being a snide asshole.
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This is unironically a strategy all dems should espouse. Sententious weeping only comes off as weak and annoying. A large demographic voted GOP only to spite the "woke left", which they perceived as insufferable persecutors. The more we plainly ridicule and the less we moralize, the better.
No more educating people with kindness and logic, from now on I’m asking them when was the last time they walked into a room and someone was happy to see them.
We can't continue business as usual with center right economic policies, politely asking Israel to discontinue genocide (while arming them), and rulebook thumping the GOP while they take over the country. Where are the major resignations from the DNC?
The Democratic party is done. They've allowed the GOP to control their public perception as gun hating weaklings that are pompous elitist nerds with no morality that hate religion. We'll never recover. Time to let the DNC wither on the vine and plant a new garden that never utters a word about guns.
Moira, have you actually looked at what it’s going to take to put together a coalition that can defend the people and causes we care about? I understand we’re all scared and furious about what’s going to happen, and a lot of people are just venting their spleens, but I’m a little disturbed that …
the immediate response has been to indulge some of our least pro-social sentiments, reignite old interpersonal and intracoalitional fights, and to flee from politics when we need the opposite. I’m a dirtbag lefty myself, but my commitment to justice is genuine. I hope you can see beyond the ironic …
and cynical affect of left cultural producers, and understand that while maybe you don’t agree with our outlook, many of us have put our bodies on the line in support of women, trans folks, migrants, and minorities, and will continue to do so in spite of the risks to ourselves.
we’re not your enemy, we’re your annoying dickhead neighbors, and we’re going to be right there in the foxhole with you. and right now, I think that’s all that matters.
You don’t have to be a snide asshole. Just be a voice of reason. Anyway, liberal moralism is hardly equivalent to right wing christian moralism. Just saying…
Either the Democrats move to a populist platform (like Bernie/AOC) or they perish. Authenticity won in 2024. Authentic populist democratic politicians with policies that speak to people’s actual needs are the only way forward. Elections are less than two years away. Midterms.
True. Begging, pleading nor compromising has worked. I’ve watched as my country has eroded for two decades; my entire lifespan. It’s obvious that giving idiots that have no idea what they’re talking about/demanding band-aid quick solutions for long-term issues is making us extremely dysfunctional.
Fuck Red Scare though.
They're so darn mockable.