I’m so, so grateful for the chance to write about gender politics for the public. There’s nothing I love more. I can’t wait to keep learning from my editors and colleagues in 2025.
I discovered your writing this year, Moira.
Thank you for your voice. Thank you for your perfectly-honed anger. I feel it too. Have felt it for too long.
I’ve *really* appreciated your work on In Bed with the Right and in print this year. Your thinking has helped me face the current wave of regressive backlash on gender issues with intellectual rigor and moral clarity, both of which can be hard to find in the fog of pure anger at times.
Your writing is devastating every time. I can't always articulate or process how I feel about the blatant & subtle misogyny we navigate every day. Your pieces give me clarity. Thank you for your eloquence & for choosing to write truthfully about this topic that most people prefer to ignore or deny
Thank you for your voice. Thank you for your perfectly-honed anger. I feel it too. Have felt it for too long.