Yeah. America is doomed. These fascists are never leaving power. We will never have another real election in my or my kids’ lifetimes. Folks should get out if they can.
I hope all the people who sat out this election or protest voted have an absolutely miserable time.
Yeah; that’s impossible for me unless you got about… thousands of dollars for me to get a passport, plane tickets and enough for me to get by while I try to find work.
If this is helpful, I am following the leadership of queer Black women who have concrete advice about organizing on the ground and getting to know folks offline and building up communities and networks of care. I’ve done a lot of learning from Black folks whose ancestors have been through terrorism.
I am sincerely hoping that making it a cult of personality around Trump backfires spectacularly, and his passing makes it impossible for them to choose a successor or rally around any other leader. That the movement implodes and viciously collapses in on itself, tearing itself apart.
I think we all need to read up on how resistance during WWll was conducted in small communities across Europe. And in apartheid South Africa. We’re in for a whopping change in norms.
The level of corruption will be far worse than anything experienced in US history. The Grant, McKinley, Harding and Nixon administrations will rank far behind Trump in terms of open graft and disregard of laws. The national treasury will be cleaned out by 2028.
What, I think anyway, so many people aren't grasping is the fact that this isn't going to be just 4 bad years. The political right is gearing up to make far-right, nazi fascist extremism the permanent rule. They will continue to rig elections so only R's win. Once they have majority control
there won't be. Democrats stood by, and did absolutely nothing while Orange Shitler committed election fraud. Democrats could have not certified the election under the 14th Amendment, Section 3. And they didn't even do that.
I'm just hoping they will be just as incompetent as they were last time and they won't be able to do much of what they say they will because they keep fucking their own shit up
Fascism doesn't just visit for 4 years and then leave. As a matter of fact, fascism never leaves voluntarily. It will stay until it is removed. More than that, facsists will cling to power, by any means necessary, literally until their last breath. We know that because it's happened before.
I hope all the people who sat out this election or protest voted have an absolutely miserable time.
call someone you care about tomorrow.
Gotta wonder how many of them even know because Ogliarchs R Us was playing them like a well-tuned fiddle.
Trump & Co. know now how to get an entire generation to ignore the news.
finding that super optimistic tbh
To four years of entertainment and insanity 🍾🫡
(The tower is labeled w/ “Verizon,” which clearly has some Secret Meaning we ordinary folk can’t fathom.)
"You won't have to vote after this."
just what the fuck do people think that means? That there are going to be fair and free elections going forward? Because