Imagine going back ten years and telling people that a convicted Trump would be president for a second term after a coup attempt and Elon Musk would be seizing control of the government while endorsing the building of concentration camps and doing a seig heil. They would lock you up in an asylum.
And then just did another coup anyway
But tbh it's just so damned close to what happened with Hitler, it was just a "worse case scenario" that would never happen when I brought it up
But I never in a million years would have believed that it would be ppl on the "left" who made Trump's final steps possible
I get a huge argument over the that, i said everything thats happening right now, would be happening. (Except musk, i didnt expect musk then)
I was of course told that, "it could never happen here".
it's so implausible as to perpetuate itself
That said
(I cannot in good consciousness type the name how they have it just like dump is dump~see can't do it)
But does this mean we will get a cosplay hero to save the day
Can anyone remind me again why we don't have RCV? 🤔
If Liz Cheney runs for president as a Dem in 3 years, they're gonna call her a socialist or a Communist, too.
(It’s contagious, you see.)
Of course, we were all told to calm down and were "talking about load of bollocks".
Right now, I miss the days when we didn't have to worry about Republicans doing the shit they're doing now. Bush 43 was an idiot, but at least he was presidential.
Why? Because this did NOT happen in a vacuum. Republican built the fascism on purpose.
I warned of the coming Teabagger and MAGAt Republicans in 2006.
And yes, Rethugs laughed & called me crazy, but it all came true!