The NCAA is not even subject to title IX as they are not federally funded. So this is pure cowardice to single out less than ten athletes nationally. I'm not even sure how exactly they'll enforce this.
Reposted from
Chris Geidner
I can’t say this clearly enough: Fuck off, NCAA, and fuck off, NYT.
Dont be mad because it blew up in your face
Just as its not 13 year old hate to think that 13 year olds should not compete in the 10 year old division
American Exceptionalism?
Ha ha haha hahaaaaas
Fuck Trump.
Go stealth/into the closet and leave in fear of being found out.
We are being used as a political distraction from the real fight: class.
Even Caster Semenya, the most famous, & most successful, intersex woman athlete doesn’t “dominate” her sport. Caster has won a total of two Olympic golds medals & holds no 🌍 records.