I cannot "like" this, but I'm commenting here to verify that I've borne witness to its horror, very much against my will and in opposition to everything that I and all good people stand for.
Not only did the school not inform the parents, they did NOTHING to stop the bullying.
I went to a parochial school. That shit didn’t fly with the priests and nuns. Heads would have rolled!
As a Grandparent please shield your kids from adult problems and let them be kids. They don’t need to worry about GOP. And when teased by their peers teach them how to deal with it.
So her parents weren't told that she was being bullied to the point of needing counseling???? FFS, if she had told them she was trans and afraid of her parents knowing, I guarantee you they would have contacted the parents about that.
I can't do it but if we could compare comments on this article here with those on the same article at xitter (gab, telegram, all the cesspools), we'd see the range of humanity on the spectrum of
Remember when republicans said, “character matters”. Now look at the example being set for children by the Orange Plague. The Bully in Chief incites violence with every look, every word. He is responsible for the death of that sweet child and many others, yet void of compassion or empathy. Monster.
Charter schools: “But don’t worry Mrs. Jones, for $88 per month we will beat your trans child so you don’t have to. Taxpayer subsidy of $17.76 applies to this optional upgrade for little JOHNNY’s education package. Sign here on the X.”
Everyone with any power in that town is a racist as hell MAGA cultist
They probably thought that the bullies had a point, and are probably quietly raising their glasses in celebration. Because they are truly evil, worthless, horrible people. They're barely "people".
Karma doesn't exist. If it did none of this would have happened. The only thing stopping facism is people willing to do what has to be done to destroy it, and no one did.
The kids who did this need to spend the rest of their lives atoning. And the parents who taught them to be bullies…I can’t think of a fitting punishment for them, but I hope they feel like crap for the rest of their days.
I only came to the comments to say there is no way I can “heart” this, but I appreciate you sharing—and discovered I wasn’t the only one. This is heartbreaking on so many levels.
The girl felt she would be blamed for her family's deportation, that her English should have been better so she would be more passing, that she messed it up for everyone.
Or is she just busy praising her feminist hero, rapist Trump's policies?
I went to a parochial school. That shit didn’t fly with the priests and nuns. Heads would have rolled!
The parents of these children deserve to be marched into the street and shot in the head for their crimes.
Maga is a death cult.
love/mercy >>> sadism/psychopathy
I cannot fathom.
I, unfortunately, understand it completely.
Everyone with any power in that town is a racist as hell MAGA cultist
They probably thought that the bullies had a point, and are probably quietly raising their glasses in celebration. Because they are truly evil, worthless, horrible people. They're barely "people".
All I can wonder is how many MAGA cultists are celebrating this, like the sick, amoral, evil drones that they are.
We all know that the ones who think this is bad are just going to blame the "woke" whatever
And now I know how bonhoeffer ended up planning to blow up nazis.
They probably met with Pedo Pastor Pablo on a frequent basis
Difficult to read, but thanks for sharing 💔
This one was indirectly murdered
I hope Karma comes for you hard.
Scar them so hard, they’ll think better next time
when it's convenient or suits the school