My tribute on International Women's Day to women who know how to "stand the gaff" in resisting tyranny.
From the coal mines of Cape Breton to the mines of the north. I come from a long line of strong women who would put the run on toxic bros.
Please read.
From the coal mines of Cape Breton to the mines of the north. I come from a long line of strong women who would put the run on toxic bros.
Please read.
Thank you Charlie
Resist tyranny with every thought and deed
*First aid training
*Emergency response aid, & preparedness
*Basic self defence
*Assisting search & rescue
*How to safely handle & clear a gun
*Cyber resilience
We are only 6 weeks in, but Trump has done a lifetime’s worth of damage
It’s hard to stand the gaff when your whole country has become unrecognizable.
This is the worst it has been here in my 67 years. I feel like we now live in a banana republic.
It’s very sad
Let’s get kicking. 🇨🇦💪
We now have everything from planes falling out of the sky to a measles outbreak, and Trump’s entire cabinet is full of unqualified imbeciles.
Our nature is to immediately want things back the way they were. Even though we know that's impossible.
If they were to scoop up f47 and his goons, try to restore, there be some normalcy but it would never be same as before.
Different coast, different industry, but same generation & same mental fortitude.
Thank you for channeling them for me, Charlie.
Its time we stand up and fight the same way our ancestors fought for every right Americans enjoy (still) today!
In the heat of the steel plant or mining the coal
And the foreign-owned companies force us to fight
For our survival and for our rights”
Peace in the world 🌎 🙏❤️
I love you Charlie, you have always stood by the first people of Ghanada/Canada , thank you for all you do 🥰
I've also paid tribute to women's contribution to a better world.
I Posted this ⤵️with added text on March the 3rd. Sadly I got the usual gaping yawn that is my 'share' here on bluesky. I'm verging on leaving.
Thank you
Man's job is provider.
A woman did everything.
* cook
* maid
* teacher
* phycologist
* gardener
* nurse
* doctor
* economist
* referee
* chauffeur
* sometimes provider
* on & on
A woman would feed her family 1st & starve if there wasn't enough.
"Hardship shall not break me"
We Shall Overcome ❤️
#InvictusManeo #DurisNonFrangor
Like my dad, they listened when she spoke
The women standing behind those men during that strike were FIERCE! A man who underestimates a woman is a fool..respect is the order of the day!
You gonna' fight your MA?
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.
Trapped within the behavior patterns of their disorder, WORLD DOMINATION/ENSLAVEMENT is the agenda as RUSSIA’s Republicans—also cultivated over decades—destroy America/Americans to pave the way.
I am not even worried about Canada prevailing - trumpy is a coward with the mental faculties of a hunk of 💩