Trump is scrambling to give cover to Pierre Poilievre by pretending that the Conservatives are not MAGA.
Pierre you can run but you can't hide from your MAGA MAPLE baggage.
Pierre you can run but you can't hide from your MAGA MAPLE baggage.
If we know anything about PP, it's how much he hates Canada.
Never heard of him.
Shame. Shame. And Eternal Shame.
Nothing but Shame.
#NoMAGAinCanada #AreWeStupidToo #ElbowsUp #NeverPoilievre #Trumpievre #CanadaStrong
We know that's not enough. They need to be told x9.
Canadians don’t support big ego liars. We don’t like egos in our politics.
PP is even using Trumps tired catch phrase slogan and messaging.
"CANADA FIRST" sound familiar 🤔 🙄
Oh and
How’s the Security clearance going PP ?
I've got on my readers and can clearly see through this grift!
Dumpster, PP -we are NOT that stupid! Not like vous deux!
We need someone in politics that speaks directly. The Orange Rapist is a LIAR & a CONMAN.
Canadians aren't MAGAt morons & we won't fall for pathetic reverse psychology tricks.
All while constantly spewing Russian & MAGAt talking points.
pp is also Musk's guy.
The mango mussolini says that a Liberal is much easier to deal with, but we all know that Carney is smarter on his worst day than shitler is on his best.
I usually just type 🍊💩🤡 or use my most favourite one...
Fuckface von Clownstick
(credit to Jon Stewart)
Everything Trump Touches Dies
Never believe them especially when they are saying things you might like.
Where has he been for the last 10 years? Shit flows freely from the mouth of Donald Trump!
#elbowsup #truenorthstrongfree #standthegaff #overtheboards #kickthedarkness #bleeddaylight #galvanized #benchclearingbrawl
Then he destroyed Federal departments that could hold him accountable. He's appointed his friends and stoolies that won't remove him at the end of term.
This is 60 days. Think of 1460 days.
🍁 MAGA followers and voters are HIS.
He sucks.
They suck.
But we are
I don't know what is wrong in the heads of people these days. I can only tell you they need to be told, told, and told.. And told again.. And again.
If they haven't got it yet, tell them again!
Earlier today, YouTube aired 3 consecutive PC Poilievre ads across 2 videos.
They are blanket bombing people's minds.
Do you care about your healthcare? Do you care about having some financial support if you unexpectedly end up out of work? How about having a government pension?
Unless the answers are No, don't vote for him.
And, SO glad you called out that BS.
#Krasnov doesn't know anything about PP, just like he knew nothing about Pro-Eugenics2025.
He's the BLOAT, biggest liar...
Love to Champ Charlie! 🇨🇦❤️
I think we're a bit smarter than that here in Canada..
Canada’s education failed the rural west
The silent Majority has better things to do than read hate mail