The MAGA morons will go to any lengths to show their spite and stupidity towards Canada.
Keep the boycott going.
No travel to USA.
Keep the boycott going.
No travel to USA.
Do MAGA voters like this?
Some poor Canadian traveler is going to get killed over this GOP 'Canadian Bacon like' anti-Canada rhetoric.
Dog killing temu Barbie trying to showing how tough she is again.
It matters that Canadians and Americans occupy the same places, in friendship. And tRump cannot have that.🤷🏻♀️
COVID, and now Trump.
This is one more thing those bastards will pay for one day.
did to Gretzky's statue in Edmonton.
This must be one of the pettiest things the US has done to Canada so far.
The comment from US Customers and Border Patrol about illicit cross-border activity is arrant nonsense.
Yet Trump thinks you are the unreasonable ones?
"Any minute now trump is due to deliver oval office remarks"
It should read:
"Any minute now trump is due to deliver LIES from the oval office"
Listen only if you enjoy being lied to.
To re-energize:
Take a BRIEF break.
At that time listen to YOUR FAVORITE POWER SONGS, not news.
Deep breaths for INNER CALM everytime you sit on the toilet (so you'll remember :)
While there, AFFIRM outloud "I AM NOT AFRAID!" then get back in the fight.
Apply the old adage...'feed a cold, starve a fever'
I have this bile that doesn’t seem to lessen
In actuality, I think you had 60million of those 70 that were sold on lower inflation, no abortion, restricted immigration, etc. If you took a vote on “sticking it to Canada”, it is extremely unfavorable.
Sounds to me that the u.s. just seized cdn territory by denying access .
Defend every inch of Canadian territory
NFLD vodka arrived last week + skull glasses.
I will keep Canadian products here - 750 million people in Europe.
#minitipi #firstnationcrafts
History will judge him and his enablers harshly.
Show that Canada will do anything and everything to ensure unfettered access to information and culture and to uphold the noble principles of cooperation and harmony between neighbouring communities.
To say I'm disgusted to hear this is an understatement.
1) International Co-operation
2) Reading
Like a toxic ex, ignore and move on.
Europe is much fitter and sexier anyways.
I want to express my deepest apologies for the way our stupid Republican rednecks act down here they've become a real pain in the ass to say the least My great grandfather was from Canada what's the odds of me renouncing my US citizenship for Canadian..
HS Barbie came to troll us. She couldn’t even fake being a Canadian if she wanted to.
Because you can’t fake decency.
#Elbowsup #BoycottTheUS 🇨🇦🍁💪🏼
It's dangerous to visit.
America isn't our friend. Americans won't do anything to change any of this. We need to turn our backs on them!
Unfortunately there are just so many blissfully ignorant out there. More than I ever thought possible 😞
We can still like and support them, but need to make financial decisions that increasingly make us less susceptible to random hostility
and that is a rare occurrence for me.
WTF Murica.
This is proof, in my mind, that they don't care about solving problems. They just want to pick up fights in any way, shape, or form. Not a good colour at all on them at all.
Love Canada 🇨🇦 ♥️!
please help.
I have scheduled travel to the US soon, to visit relatives, crossing by car at a land border.
What is possible to happen to me if they decide I'm not eligible for entry. Denied? or Disappeared?
If I contact the US consulate, can I trust what I'm told?
Not that you need my encouragement. Nice people are the best friends to have, and the worst enemies to make.
What's the "elbowsup" thing mean ?
(Yes I know I could Google it, but I'm a gen Xer who learned by asking people, and old habits die hard)
I was thinking it was some localized version of the middle finger, so it didn't even dawn on me to think otherwise.
Thanks for the explanation.
Best case they end up going over the top of me.
At worst, their lateral movement is compromised for the rest of the game.
You could see it happening.
America is a wicked and evil country
They think that's a valid excuse to do nothing.
We cannot ratchet the hostility on this specific front, this is too great of a symbol of unity and peace