DC publishing new tag-line:
“Long tenured fan, you are inconvenient to DC comics!
Thanks for all your support and money- bye!
Oh… but, support our DCU movies because we REALLY respect you!
“Long tenured fan, you are inconvenient to DC comics!
Thanks for all your support and money- bye!
Oh… but, support our DCU movies because we REALLY respect you!
My perspective is, Bendis was doing what he (or, any contract writer) is paid to do-float story concepts and strategies before scribing.
The dupes, the feckless internal vandals, were the editors- Cunningham/Cotton/Chen- who read his take and said: “Oh, yeah! Fans’ll love that hostage thing!”
That’s what it sort of feels like with the Legion.
I hope Keith Giffen is pulling levers in the comic-Saint afterlife to fix this terrible, broken thing with the Legion.