I'm not sure but my dog will bury my phone given the opportunity so he must know it's important to me and/or that it distracts me from the most important part of my life, him
My dog actively watches what I'm doing when I'm driving, like he wants to figure out how to do it. Especially when I lower windows he turns to see what I'm doing 😏
her timeouts are always self-imposed &i don't even close the cage door because i dont want her to think the crate is a punishment.
she knows she done wrong bc she had her harness on & we were going for a ride, her favorite thing, but nope she had to try & chase another dog, & now she stays home
*Bonus: dog tax
But I do know this:
right now, she's hiding in her crate because she knocked the mailbox over and bent the shit out of it and she knows she's done something wrong
she knows she done wrong bc she had her harness on & we were going for a ride, her favorite thing, but nope she had to try & chase another dog, & now she stays home