Just saw two women on the subway take care of a person in dureee immediately and easily, cause that’s what the fuck we do in New York. I haven’t remind myself sometimes because they lie about us and denigrate us, but the heart of how we interact in person is with compassion.
Now I live in Boston and am always amazed how rarely people talk to each other.
NY has changed but it is still full of smart people who take care of each other
But it’s a super logistical hub from which to journey to all sorts of fantastic bits of NYC
If you are a walker-it’s nice to go on a long walk up 5th ave straight into the Park or down 5th ave to Union Square and beyond
Take a bus back!
And they're always INTO IT. Like, that's what they miss most about the city. The casual brutality.
Note, however, that NYC apparently rejected them. Telling.
Love mah New Yorkers.
Wish I'd never left. 👍
Can you impeach Hochul? Adams? Huge disappointments
Shit! 👏🏻 Men are the worst at defending Anything.
We could have had a female president, but No! Little feelings get hurt by Mean mommy 🤬
That’s who we are.
You sure about that?
I've been a gormless tourist there a few times and I've benefited from this kindness more than ones.
Blind woman got on the train.
WE ❤️NYC!! Thank you.
I know of no reason the CEO’s treason should ever be forgot.
nyc (and entire metro) is very much GET TF OUT OF MY WAY, I HAVE SHIT TO *holds door open for multiple people, helps old lady with bags, drops a $10 for the unhoused dude* DO!!😤🫶
I was thinking about this more on the train to work. I'm not sure "kind" is the right word: as you note, it's more "I'm doing this 'cuz it's the right thing to do but I'm not gonna be all NICE about it." Maybe it's baked-in kindness, or "just" (as in justice).
I was once in the Art Institute’s gift shop and an older gentlemen in a wheelchair bumped into me. I turned to apologize and realized it was The Night Stalker, Darren McGavin.
Wish I had told him that show freaked me out as a kid. lol
I have been helped by a stranger in BART, though (after fainting on a hot day)! Good people are here too!