Every stupid university that unleashed militarized police on legal protestors set up the foundations for the violent persecution of free speech that’s about to come.
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he thinks he’s king. he issues executive orders (royal decrees) and the entire society is expected to obey
Universities are protecting capital. In that sense, they’re not stupid at all!
Like this one?
Neither made statements about crackdowns.
I can’t tell if you’ve got selective memory or 2nd hand outrage, but they were silent, not cheering
But Israel is breaking the law by occupying Palestine! That’s a winning message!
These company men. The term company man was a term of contempt used by real men back in the day. Now real men obey an urban dandy.
All because he wanted to help Israel genocide Palestinians without being made to feel bad about it.
I was looking for the UC Davis pepper spray cop... found this version I think covers our current times.