Our best move is to adopt a wholistic approach that combines traditional politics with a determined effort to treat each move away from constitutional governance as a step on an escalatory ladder that we must match.
We must also do it in a way that shapes public support and energizes our base.
Is he the guy during the last election driving around in a pickup truck with an AR-14 on the gun rack touting anti-wokism and family values? Or was that the guy from Tennessee, ... or Missouri, or ... they all look alike to me.
He needs to be booed. My Delgate to Congress is the wonderful Stacey Plaskett, manager of the first T-Rump impeachment. She is doing everything she can to fight this outrageous behavior coming from the WH.
I just posted an idea that I hope Dems and others on this platform use to fight against these shortsighted, poorly carried-out, heartless, dictatorial, discriminatory, and outright un-American actions.
urban people, suburban people, rural people-- they mad.
Dem people, GOP people-- they mad.
we don't have to live this or wait until the next election.
let's identify 5 low-hanging districts that have Republican Representatives and recall those individuals NOW!
The main issue is what actions the Trump administration will take to suppress the vote, or even rig the election.
Regardless, normal grassroots organizing is important no matter which direction this goes, including the darker, more kinetic paths.
We must also do it in a way that shapes public support and energizes our base.
If we allow them to emasculate us at the state level then our only option is to take it to the streets.
We need to prevent that and preserve our options.
But for this we need to assemble a coalition of states capable of defending themselves from a tyrannical red state executive.
Different priorities.
Getting elected was like buying a winning lottery ticket to Easy Street for him.
This is why members of Congress should be banned from all lobbying and influence work for a decade after leaving office.
Their motto: “get in office and distance yourself from the commoners.”
every harm - every crisis - every death belongs to
Trump & #Republicans 👿☠️