Creative attorneys need to press the case that the executive branch should be treated with greater suspicion because it’s run by a man who was CONVICTED OF FALSIFYING BUSINESS RECORDS.
In 1984, this sort of retroactive "truth correction" was literally Winston Smith's job. Pereptive fellow, Orwell, he noticed this role is always necessary. See? Our new leaders will discover they have need for a civil service after all.
A gang of black-robed thugs are gonna break into the White House and savagely gavel Musk to within an inch of his life if he keeps on with this shell game.
But doesn’t this edit actually make it sound *less* voluntary by adding the final sentence that contemplates “consequences” for failing to respond? If it were truly “voluntary” there would be no potential adverse consequence for “failing to respond”.
They have changed two memos. This one and another one that talked about the what you did last week emails which states it was voluntary. If anyone has a pdf share it so more people see it and save it.