in our new political reality, you need a style of elected official and commentator who sees this and says, "shut up, you punk bitch, or show up what you got." so onward to building that new reality.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Trump at the DOJ: "I believe that CNN and MSNDC, who literally write 97.6% bad about me, are political arms of the Democrat Party. And in my opinion, they are really corrupt and they are illegal. What they do is illegal."
was kind of a joke in his first term. not funny any more
We need more people like that.
The media pretending all of this is normal is just reprehensible. Fascists gonna fascist, but all it takes is for one person to say NO YOU ARE RIDICULOUS for it to end.
This should be interesting.
Thank goodness he's cheap and only hires idiots as lawyers.
Whereas here, the current administration is apparently taking the “Shutup Nerd!” approach.
What evidence do you have of that?
So much of what we're hearing from Trump and his enablers is pure nonsense, and it just gets reported as if factual/normal.
you see it from Leavitt. From admin refusing to explain their actions.
antithetical to a democracy, where public needs information to make good choices.
No Nazi
Variations on a theme...
If you’re not giving praise or subjugating yourself to him personally……
what use is that kind of journalism?
I think it’s called truth.
Of course, I don't know.
‘Ok. Everything that guy just said is bullshit.’
He couldn’t say that on Fux News because they had to pay a billion dollars for lying!!!!! Fucking moron in the red tie GD idiot.
"What day of the week is it?"
Trump at the DOJ: "I believe that OAN and FOX News, who literally write 97.6% good about me, are political arms of the Republican Party. And in my opinion, they are really corrupt and they are illegal. What they do is illegal."
Where’s the big strong dominant he-man? Those news folks won’t praise me! I’m wonderful, I’m everyone’s favorite president. I am, but the fake news won’t tell you that I’m terrific! 🙄
Baby can’t handle the truth
Chris Hayes has been on fire lately, literally raising his voice out of frustration.
Oh yeah, you can’t cuz you’re a FOS felon and adjudicated rapist.