Plus have you ever tried to understand the website. I am an educated person who
Got really frustrated trying to understand the various rules and especially when their were in direct conflict with one another! Now we have to pay someone to apply for us that can understand rules ?
Can we stop this erroneous pretence that Trump & Musk's actions are "whims"??? This is an orchestrated and coordinated effort to replace US democracy... it's lunacy to pretend their actions aren't thought out and intended. Stop the delusion.
There are certainly people in and around the administration that "thought out and intended" applies to - for example, Russell Vought. Trump and Musk, less so, if at all.
Well said-- the evil plan comes from Vought; Trump is unable to think of anything ever, but himself and his dreams of domination and revenge. Musk is so fried, these days-- who knows what he's thinking of outside of 'yippee-- look at me go!!'
Nothing special. Different people have different backgrounds and different experiences, so they bring different things to the table. I've had to learn a ton more about Musk than most people, because it was literally my job to do so.
My views of him are based on that, for whatever it's worth.
I live in Silicon Valley w a bunch of exec suite friends. They tell me nobody in his staff lasts long. I’m sure they sign NDAs, we need a few rebels who will leak quietly
News media has failed in this regard. It's been part of the GOP plan since forever to hobble SS so they can claim it irreparably broken and privatize it, much like the Dept of Ed. This refusal to speak the truth about a traitorous political party has been more of a danger than almost anything else.
Many ppl canceled their online accounts after their SSNs were exposed in breaches. This was advised to prevent scammers from accessing their accounts. I changed mine and will have to call for anything in the future.
Then they will claim the only people who can fix what they broke are private businesses they have a stake in. Admin cost will surge to 20%. Last I saw a stat, the current admin cost is under 5%.
My mom's check just deposited. I'm wondering if it'll be the last one.
The massive failure of the Dems is accepting Repub framing on topics like this. Given the enormous superiority of SSA over the pvt sector, tearing it down is economic lunacy.
Solyndra cost the government about $500 million and it was an enormous scandal. Elon has flushed around $20 billion of his own money on Twitter and Zuckerberg's wasted at least $50 billion on the metaverse. Yet, government is inefficient and Elon and Zuck are great businessmen.
Larger point is this is true but being sold as seeking efficiency, yet Dems can't seem to ever tell truth & make it stick.
Financial markets are melting down, so they should be screaming from rooftops about danger of privatization. Easy case to make.
Many aren't b/c their donors don't want them to.
Hard to accomplish much of anything or truly have people who represent us until that gets fixed.
They've rigged it pretty good though. No easy fixes and polarization makes it difficult to agree on what needs to be done...which from the perspective of the donor class is kind of the point.
This is not about finding fraud and efficency. This has always been to destroy the government agencies from the inside and threatening any Republican congress person to never vote against it. McConnell packed SCOTUS, so the executive branch will have ultimate control. This will backfire!!!
trump has ALREADY created a problem with my SSA pay. I have lost $1350 since Jan 2025 by TRUMP disrupting the SSA and SSA not correcting IRMMA error yet. I’m losing $450 a month because trump. Biden had it corrected in less than 30 days. No pay lost. Under trump > 117+ days still not fixed.
I'm wondering the same thing. And ss is our sole income. We planned very carefully to be able to live on it. We paid off our mortgage, only drive one car, our vacations are camping only. All because of fascism which we all warned you about.
Mine did last week. I wish the Dems didn’t vote with the Repubs. If more people felt the insecurity and fear, this nightmare might end sooner. The generation that went through the depression are mostly gone. This government doesn’t know what it’s doing.
You should def sign up for it at 62 and a half. You could wait but it’s no different getting it early pays out for a longer period eventually the same amount of money if you live a long life. Good luck I took mine as did my husband.
That’s exactly right! Plus if you die before 72, there’s NOTHING in the bank. Thats 10 yrs of payments you should be spending/saving/bequeathing. Collect at 62.
I did. My dad was a very successful CPA & said “take SS the day you earn it.” I’ve been able to invest it in real estate instead of waiting for the govt to give me more at 72. It’s over $125K that has made more than they will ever give you. Plus it’s YOURS to decide how to invest.
I am 64. I haven't started taking yet because husband still works and we are OK and wanting to wait till full retirement age. But will there be any program left? Now I am wishing I had started and banked the money.
Last fall I was on hold for
Over 2 hours at a time which I was then cut off saying there call load was overloaded. Took me three days of calling and being on hold for hours at a time. This is horrible.
Something important that people not currently on Social Security may not understand: often the phone is the *only* way to deal with issues with your account.
I recently went on Social Security Disability because I have ALS 😫. I was lucky that a special law requires rapid processing of claims for people with ALS, since so many of us were dying while pending approval. So that was cool, they processed my claim quickly.
But I’m also entitled to benefits for my minor children. But those aren’t included in the special law so I had to make a phone appointment. Took 5 months!
What do the people who live hundreds of miles from the nearest office do? GOP members of Congress will be inundated with calls. This is the thing that will turn even MAGAs.
I am so tired of every single person I mention this to looking at me like I’m insane. They literally laugh at me and say condescendingly that this will never happen.
A friend who is 65 years old and a couple years from retirement treated me the same way. And he's on the left. They don't think things are real until it affects them personally.
The reason for that is probably because both Republicans and Democrats always maintained that any POLITICIAN that touched Social Security or Medicare would be doomed, because it’s the THIRD RAIL of POLITICS!
reality is tough, but pretending it's not real will make his life harder.
I expect to begin receiving benefits in January 26. Normally I would apply in August 25, but -- at the risk of pissing off the people at SSA who say don't apply earlier -- I'll start in June, and stay on it. No phones = yikes
You should definitely start early. It will take a lot longer to get approved now, and waits at the offices will be ridiculous. Last October I waited over 2 hours for a meeting that took less than 10 minutes. That will likely triple or quadruple now.
Same. Leon and orange know saying “we are cutting Social security” will be immediate outrage. This is the frog in the pot method. They are going to realize it until it’s too late. They still think there’s so much fraud, yet not one person arrested that I’ve seen.
Well, Trump pardoned someone convicted of millions of dollars in Medicaid fraud. So if anyone IS arrested for SS fraud, he'll pardon them, too, provided they stole enough.
Terrible. Mostly SS is easy, but lots of cases are very hard. I (a lawyer!) failed at trying to maximize our benefits when I retired and my wife was still working, and I did it wrong. And I eventually talked to SS, and their guy explained I was entitled to even more benefits than I'd asked for.
Tech bros have been having Coal Town fantasies for a while now. I remember 15 years ago saying I wish someone would send Randroids to an island. They actually made an island, weirdly, and are planning corporate towns based on the model. It is absolutely insane and The Plan. I think they will be/1
surprised though, like how Elon is crying bc he's shocked ppl hate him. They assume right wingers will all be on board and go peacefully like chattel, and they'll just kill anyone else. Right wingers will be armed and angry and it will not go according to The Plan. It will start a Civil War. /2
Funnily enough I think that in a reversal of the current military trend, the fascist US will lose power and the Americans on the side against fascism will be supported by former allies against the Evangelical Tech Bro shitheads, which will just crush them psychologically. To actually be That Country
One day in the near future, if Trump and Musk stay in power the side the Republicans are on will know what it's like to be the enemy war torn country defeated by encroaching foreign militaries on the side of the resistance. It will be horrific but also so funny to see them become the thing they hate
The reason so many people in the media behave as if Dems are the only people in politics with agency is because people like yourself act as if Republicans have no agency. They don’t have anything or anyone held over them. They are adults making their own decisions and need to be held accountable.
People will die. Unfortunately, it looks like that's what is going to take before some people get their heads out of their asses. I am terrified. Especially after the covid craziness.
Please don’t do this. My mom lives in an assisted-care facility and is computer-literate but now has difficulty using a computer or even reading due to declining vision. She has never voted for the GOP and has a nuclear-white hot hatred of Trump but will suffer from this decision.
I keep saying that this is the ONLY thing trumpers would turn on him for. Unfortunately rebuilding our country after Trump et al destroy everything will take decades.
We shall see. I’ve stopped assuming anything will do so. I warned my Republican mother before the election & BEGGED her to not vote for him. I talked to her this week & enumerated several DOGE shenanigans. Not sure if she believed me.
trump has ALREADY created a problem with my SSA pay. I have lost $1350 since Jan 2025 by TRUMP disrupting the SSA and SSA not correcting IRMMA error yet. I’m losing $450 a month because trump. Biden had it corrected in less than 30 days. No pay lost. Under trump > 117+ days still not fixed.
Contact Alison Gill. She’s one of the host on The Daily Beans, Clean-up on Isle 45 and UnJustified. I’m sure she would want to share your story. Folks need to hear how Musk is negatively affecting our daily lives.
I'm in California. I have already contacted my Rep Jimmy Panetta and his office was AMAZING. They called me a day after a town hall in San Jose and they ALSO submitted a request to SSA on my behalf. I don't blame SSA - they are doing their best I know. I BLAME trump and musk and his DOGE goons.
Got really frustrated trying to understand the various rules and especially when their were in direct conflict with one another! Now we have to pay someone to apply for us that can understand rules ?
My views of him are based on that, for whatever it's worth.
My mom's check just deposited. I'm wondering if it'll be the last one.
Here’s a great post with details:
The massive failure of the Dems is accepting Repub framing on topics like this. Given the enormous superiority of SSA over the pvt sector, tearing it down is economic lunacy.
Financial markets are melting down, so they should be screaming from rooftops about danger of privatization. Easy case to make.
Many aren't b/c their donors don't want them to.
They've rigged it pretty good though. No easy fixes and polarization makes it difficult to agree on what needs to be done...which from the perspective of the donor class is kind of the point.
If necessary we will liquidate the oligarchs to rebuild what they've stolen.
Those checks not hitting are my activation trigger.
If they're going to kill me, I'm dragging as many as I can down into the abyss with me.
Make it clear to members of Congress - they will be the new phone service for the SSA and the callers are going to be furious.
And they are ignoring their constituents.
They are trying to WRECK it so they can ROB it
Over 2 hours at a time which I was then cut off saying there call load was overloaded. Took me three days of calling and being on hold for hours at a time. This is horrible.
The local office never picked up.
My heart breaks for the assassination of my beloved country
If Sen. Edward Kennedy were here, I guarantee he would not be thinking "well, maybe this is the wrong time to condemn"—
He'd ROAR. And millions would recall why they care, and would join in crushing this infamy.
I expect to begin receiving benefits in January 26. Normally I would apply in August 25, but -- at the risk of pissing off the people at SSA who say don't apply earlier -- I'll start in June, and stay on it. No phones = yikes