It's about time they ported it, now i can start playing the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV that has a free trial, and includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime.
Sakaguchi really loved the 3DS and held the entire dev team at gun point to make a 3DS port but after it was made he didn’t like it and threw it out and I went dumpster diving for it
It features all the way to the mildly acclaimed Dawntrail expansion with the enhanced graphics update. I need to go buy the 3DS version of Dawntrail tho and add it to my account
In all seriousness, it’s a homebrew app called Pinbox that you can download. Newer versions of it suck so you’ll have to go through older versions till you find one that works well for you.
I broke into square enix hq for the canceled 3DS port that the dev team made after snorting lines of coke one day in the office then realized that Mr. Enix doesn’t like Nintendo like that so they canceled it but I found it and it still connects to the game
Please (don't) look forward to it.