Changing names on maps is dumb -- although
If we do change the name at all then we
Should change it from the Gulf of Mexico
To Gulf of Fragile Masculinity.
I was thinking what a US centric viewpoint….it doesn’t really matter what he/we call it…in whatever language the map or history book it is in…it will look like something MAGAs rarely open history books or look at maps…
I’m just going to call it the Atlantic Ocean and listen to them argue that it isn’t part of the Atlantic. I’m in Texas. You’d be surprised. Or maybe not.
Just because Trump signed a EO naming the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America doesn’t legally make it so. Idiots abound in this country. I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I’ll sell them cheap. 🥴
Kinda rolls of the tongue eh?
If we do change the name at all then we
Should change it from the Gulf of Mexico
To Gulf of Fragile Masculinity.
Never heard of it
Sorry,'d better stick to playing around with your Sharpies.
Come next hurricane season, I'll turn off any channel that claims the hurricane is moving in the "Gulf of America."