He is dangerously unstable and has leagues of people falling over him, calling him a genius. Is anyone studying what hundreds of billions in personal wealth does to the psyche?
There are quite a few research studies that prove extreme wealth lowers an individuals empathy and compassion. Unless, the person actively tries to keep communicating with those less fortunate.
Over-use makes that a side effect, not prescription level properly used.
I use it as mental health med in micro-doses. He's taking it by the gallon, it seems
Also, I’m sure he’s seen the comments about people saying his eyes are going everywhere. He looks high. I think he’s hiding behind the glasses. Beside the fact that yeah it doesn’t make your eyes sensitive to light.
He didn’t put together a sentence. His brain wasn’t functioning and his auditory perception may have been impaired. Because he is as rich as fuck he knows he can do anything and many people will remain adoring. It’s beyond stupid.
He is a drug addict!
I’m a recovered drug addict trust me on this one he’s a drug addict!
Not just ketamine there something else like an opiate involved! He’s got a cocktail of drugs going on in that tiny little brain of his!!
Father of the Year, apparently, too. When my kids were small, they were my number one priority at all times. I could not imagine having the relationships he apparently has with his little ones. Or total lack thereof. Except to use as human shields.
Elon belongs to the Republican Party. The GOP 2026, 2028 Nuremberg Defence will be meaningless. Musk is who they are. And plenty of working poor MAGAs are going to suffer.
Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that has some hallucinogenic effects. distorts the perception of sight and sound and makes the user feel disconnected and not in control.referred to as a “dissociative anesthetic hallucinogen” because it makes patients feel detached from their pain &environment.
He has the brain and maturity of a 23 year old Aspberger's gamer/hacker. That is why he employs kids of that age to do his dirty. All in the same headspace.
Every one of them thinks they are much more than reality presents.
But they gotta cheat to game with the Chinese kids. And still lose.
Man, OD took Janice Jim and Jimmy from us. It took Layne Stayley. It took Amy winehouse. Brad nowell.Powell. Whitney Houston. Wayne static. Ffs if it took those good ppl and not this one peice of literal shit, then I will lose faith in the universe. 😳
Prince.. Mac Miller and a bunch of good rappers that were coming up that I can't name right now cuz I'm too stoned yet we're left with these sons of bitches
Unfortunately, it is ketamine and really hard to OD to death on unless you mix it with hard liquor. However, it could potentially be debilitating to the point we wouldn't have to listen to him talk anymore.
How about a test flight of his new plane with his buds Vlad and DJT. Elon should fly the plane, IMO he's the one who knows all....I hear the Black Sea is beautiful in the springtime.
It's so obvious that whatever it is he is doing at government agencies is not safe & even if he was not mentally compromised (he is) a competent person with a small motley crew could not possibly analyze this amount of data this fast. Its theatre, acting, pre-scripted, preplanned by 2025.
The right just wants to be offensive and say N, R, C, or any other demeaning derogatory words freely. What they need is a mouth with loose teeth to understand we don’t accept that. So go ahead and say that because there will be people that redirect you.
Anti-depresant?? Are you kidding me? K is one of the hardest core drugs, it's pharmaceutical grade PCP. IT makes crack & meth look like beginner drugs. If you snorted a small line, you would be so mentally & physically impaired you could not even tie your shoelaces.
I am aware. I was using the reference in the pic of its use off label for depression to take a shot at RFK's labor camp ideas. As someone who finally found the right medication after a decade, that one hits close to home for me.
The gross double standards & gullibility of the majority of Americans during the biggest constitutional crisis is appalling. As an addict that has suffered for decades, it pisses me off that a drug addict billionaire is "eccentric" while the average Joe is views as morally weak and a "parasite"
And the irony of #Trump's announcement of the campaign against drugs is reprehensible & totally fake, when the defacto "leader" is a callous drug addicted whacko & pathological liar that many are cheering on. The inability of the general populance 2 distinguish truth from fiction is mind-boggling
I'm glad you were able to throw off those chains. This society is so full of double standards when it comes to rich and poor, as well as race and culture. We definitely need some reforms when/if this ends.
Same here. I use a nasal spray to micro-dose & it has been a lifesaver for me.
When someone snorts it or guzzles it by the gallon, that's a whole diff story
Yeah. There's treatment and then there's abuse. I'm on a different medication, but it is also being used off label, and it is helping way more than anything else I have ever taken. It's ironic.. I finally don't feel like being dead, and now we're here. Heh..
As a ten year recovering addict, that goes to a meeting every single day, I have to agree, everything in my body cringes watching him and my drug-dar is screaming, I could be wrong, but am addict can see a addict from a mile away. Sad so many Americans are being dooped this is a manic high.
People will eventually realize that Musk is a supreme bullshit artist possessing average intelligence. They need only to start digging into his past and carefully listening to the crap he spews out on a variety of topics. A charlatan of extraordinary means.
Unfortunately, a good portion of Americans still haven’t figured this out about Trump and they’ve had years, so I don’t have hope for us here regarding Musk.
How can a proud country give in to his drug fueled world domination fantasies?
It seems to me that the whole world is like a video game to him that he plays on a permanent high.
He has broken all kinds of laws. I suggest to lock him up and let him play on an Atari instead of the world.
I don’t want to stoop to the level of just let him indulge in his Ketamine binge, but not going to lie the struggle not to have that thought is real. I use to teach yoga in rehabs and truly have passion and empathy. This is the first time I’ve ever had that thought about anyone.
Same. I've been working in the mental health field for many years but I've got no empathy for an asshole who has no off switch & is stomping all over the poor & vulnerable. None
It is. Calling someone names, especially government officials, unelected or otherwise, is absolutely protected by the First Amendment.
In theory Elon could sue for libel for people calling him a drug addict, but that case isn’t going to go anywhere because he wouldn’t pass a drug test.
"y'know he bought it for whatever $44b and now it's worth like 8c and hahaha but but y'know there's there but but the the yeah it was it was er it was essentially y'know er by freedom of expression um"
Look how the asshole parked, and also on a down slope with wheels not curbed. Yeah! He definitely deserved it and the graffiti artist may have reacted as I did.
Chain him to a Space X rocket and hang his drugs just out of reach. Set up a trigger release that sends the rocket into orbit if he manages to grab the drugs. Then setup deck chairs to watch
I wish the largest US based mutual funds would also. Are you listening Vanguard? Tesla already been kicked out of the ESG S&P 500 for unfair HR practices.
It won't matter to his bottom line. He's stealing all the eggs from everyone else's basket he can plow through on the free egg hunt trump gave him. Hire a criminal, expect criminal results.
When lithium ion batteries ignite, you have less than 30 seconds to get away from them. There’s almost no suppressing the fire. Should have never made it to production, even though I like the idea of electric cars.
And yet it Is a software issue but these are the guys with hard drives plugged into our government systems. This is the guy firing people with oversight on his defective products!!!!
I’m starting to enjoy this now. I think we’re gonna make it. It’ll take a lot of suffering, but they can’t pull it off
and that's saying a lot!
Ah HA!! I just looked it up. Ketamine use makes your eyes light sensitive.
I use it as mental health med in micro-doses. He's taking it by the gallon, it seems
I’m not sure what his claim is….
I’m a recovered drug addict trust me on this one he’s a drug addict!
Not just ketamine there something else like an opiate involved! He’s got a cocktail of drugs going on in that tiny little brain of his!!
WTF was that with the chainsaw??? THAT was bizarre!!!
Dr. Ronnie, when you need him. He has the GOOD SHIT!
Every one of them thinks they are much more than reality presents.
But they gotta cheat to game with the Chinese kids. And still lose.
The symbol; Othala/Odal rule- Symbol of heritage, estate, possession.
People need to wake the fuck up!
I hate the press. I hate their incompetence. I wanted to be a journalist once. What sham the profession has become.
When someone snorts it or guzzles it by the gallon, that's a whole diff story
His infantile affect and howling emptiness are grotesque.
And his wealth is an indictment of- of us, that we tolerate a system that rewards someone so stunted.
Pepsi – “Gladiator Commercial” (2003)
President Krasnov and Musk are owned by Putin.
It would be funny if he didn't have all our SS#s
Drugs Are Ruining Elon
Also, shades maybe
How can a proud country give in to his drug fueled world domination fantasies?
It seems to me that the whole world is like a video game to him that he plays on a permanent high.
He has broken all kinds of laws. I suggest to lock him up and let him play on an Atari instead of the world.
Good one
In theory Elon could sue for libel for people calling him a drug addict, but that case isn’t going to go anywhere because he wouldn’t pass a drug test.
Like calling Elon Musk a piece of shit is the First Amendment.
If you read what he said in text it's a lot clearer to understand.
"You've gotta protect the 1A, there's not much more important than that"
"Yeah I I got I got a lot of crit of criticism and people said well that privacy is a huge idiot from a y'know like a a like...
more precise & comprhensive sentences than this grown "man".
Drugs only can account for so much of a screw up in the English language. Unless he is cookin', his own.🤣
I think you would really like it! Even after all these years, it is still relevant!
I remember the day I found out about the hellfire problem they have. Horrifying.
It's quite a stretch to claim he should have seen all of this happen.
If I wasn't following you before, I am now
The great comics keep me sane.
@andertoon.bsky.social is one of THE best.