the recession will accelerate with trumps comments and tariff retaliation. As demand drops everywhere, tariffed items will be purchased less. As
customers find new non tariffed suppliers, demand drops further. This is just starting. The market is trying to figure out where the bottom will be
Declared that you wanted to financially ruin your best friend, betrayed nations that came to your aid after 9/11, and abandoned a nation at war thereby jeopardizing the entire EU. Nobody will trust you, ever.
This is a depression by design. A bankruptcy and reset, a theft from the entire world.
This is good news. I’m sorry my American friends. But it’s the only way to hurt these ppl. They care most about their wallets. So please continue boycotting the bastards. I’m proud of everyone who make an effort. :)
Oh and please. Do remember. Don’t let it go too hard on your life what you do to boycott. If you need something then by all means buy it if there is no alternatives. No one should suffer because of this, except the bastards. That we all do what we can is enough. :)
"Trump won’t rule out a recession in 2025??" For Gawd Sakes--cut to the chase: TRUMP IS A RECESSION--a collapse of reason, logic, morality, ethics, common sense, fidelity to democracy and constitutional law, a fast-moving train of disaster plunging country and allied world over the cliffs!
Crashed the markets.
Destroying government institutions.
Next up is inflation and recession.
Trump inherited an economy the envy of the world and he's trashed it.
One thing that might help is all previous presidents, all of them, speak out about what is happening and that trump has broken his oath to the Constitution. Perhaps that would shake loose the repubs in congress.
He’s an incompetent baboon. I wish he’d take his own advice and resign. That’s what he said. Obama should do back in 2012 when the Dow dropped more than 1000 points.
It’s only a matter of time before Penn’s Wharton School rescinds trump’s college diploma out of embarrassment that this idiot is giving the school a bad name with his asinine economic policies and business-related incompetencies.
Do you think that a big part of this is Trump saying, “ fuck you” to America because they didn’t support January 6th, because I do think he’s that petty?
It’s gonna be a lot lot lot worse. No where to hide from failed econ theories put into practice by know-nothings who think they’re geniuses bc everyone they know is a Yes Man.
Republicans destroy the economy then democrats come to the rescue and fix it all, then voters get scared into voting Republican by lies and identity politics. Rinse/repeat
I remember watching that crash. I worked in finance and I was on maternity leave. I told my husband that I would definitely lose my job and I did - the day after coming back from maternity leave.
I live on $1,400 a month and those evil pricks don't even want me to have that. I'm not the only senior in this boat along with countless others. Thank you for caring.
I've been in bonds since October and am currently trying to find the bottom. I don't think we're there yet? Maybe June/July? We need to understand what inventory looks like for construction and manufacturing.
I’m expecting a depressing. I’ve been stockpiling and even bought a solar generator. My gut is telling me that we are all going to be suffering very soon.
In the normal context, you don’t
want to throw the word “crash”
around. One day of trading is just
a snapshot.
And then, the normal context goes
away, and we have to
call this a bloody crash🩸
Rack up a major
round of mass layoffs
as of right now☹️
A crash will ultimately follow if things continue to get increasingly F*(*#D. Besides, it doesn't matter what the economists say when I have nothing left to spend. Wall Street lives in a rather artificial world where investors matter.The real people in the marketplace don't until it all falls apart.
Trump knows the markets are his Waterloo. He and his inane treasury Secy will try to cook the books to make things look less dire than they are, but that can only last for so long. Sadly, we all go down with this rat infested sinking ship.
I met with my Financial Advisor a few weeks before the Orange Turd took office, and we moved a large portion of my portfolio into investments that aren't Stock-Market reliant. I knew this was going to happen ...
As soon as I heard he won, I moved all of my American investments out and sunk them into Canadian bank stocks. Super glad I did. Told a couple of friends and they laughed. Really hard to feel.sorry for them today.
Same here. Moved funds to safer grounds. 2 weeks earlier, our yearly review, "hold the line". Then I called and said get me out!!! I haven't the time yo recover again.
My Advisor said that stuff too! I had to stress to him that this is different! Trump is going to do alot of damage to the Economy in his 2nd Term! We can't equate this to previous Presidencies!
My Financial Advisor was trying to talk me out of it, showing charts and graphs that historically, the Market is "Politically Agnostic". I said this Market hasn't seen a second Trump Presidency yet. It's gonna get bad.
Gold is inverting, which is weird. Either they are out deal shopping on stocks or a whale is selling. That whale might be the U.S. government buying back U.S. debt at market price?
There needs to be a revolution. It cannot be that one man can literally make the law as he sees fit. What the hell are the representatives and senators doing? If they aren’t careful they’ll be the next DOGE casualties. Remember: drain the swamp!
Once the world stops purchasing our goods and services, stops vacationing, and investing here, the trend is looking “worse than recession” territory. Going into depression territory would take some significant prolonged, milestones. We’d surely wake up by then? Right?
Gee. If only there was some way that this could have been reliably predicted right before the election, so that we could have all had a better idea of who to vote for.
Trump destroyed every business he had
His father bailed him out
Then he got the GOP to support him and made money off MAGA
He is a bully but he’s also stupid
Don’t worry, Mexico and Canada will sit down and decide which States will start saying Eh! And which will start brushing up on their Spanish. You sots are done, the experiment is over, only thing to do now is watch the fire and sift through the ashes. 🇨🇦
I would think fucking with peoples $$ would enrage them- nope. Can we please stop with the make America great BS bc America is a fucking dumpster fire because of this buffoon!!
I think he believes he has at least two years of unbridled instant impulse response. Of course that is if he still has an occasional scrape with reality.
You shouldn’t have to do that. X All of this has been caused deliberately by the greed and malignancy of one power crazed man who had been fed bullshit by oligarchs. Fuck Trump!
This is looking pretty nasty for even the wealthy in this country that are CEOs of corporations. I hope the administration may get some fall back soon. And people’s 401(k)s are going to plummet. What’s going on? The country is starting to look like a spiraling airplane.
I plan on going to some of Kris Mayes’ town halls here in AZ. I missed the last one because I had an appointment. Also, I would like to get involved with Move-on here.
This is the world responding to our administration in ways they know will elicited a response. Let's hope it doesn't escalate to a full shunning and stand offs.
Aug 2024
Trump responded to the economic news with a series of posts, many of which were in all capital letters, complaining about a “KAMALA CRASH!!!” and predicting “THE GREAT DEPRESSION OF 2024” would soon follow:
I don't know whether to be happy cause it screws Trump or panicked because all my retirement money is there ( my career was there, parents made a foolish choice) and he'll likely take away my social security too.....
People were warned he's a deranged moron who's going to fuck the country but they supported him anyway. The difference between Trump 1.0 and Trump 2.0 is Trump 1.0 had checks on his worst stupidity. Trump 2.0 is just the id. Worst cabinet ever. Worst president/co-president ever as well.
So glad Biden is on his couch playing with the stock market while Donald trump your president is golfing at Mara logo trying to fix the stock market by threatening allies way to go trump
Following the burning of the White House British Admiral Cockburn oversaw the destruction of the National Intelligencer newspaper's offices and printing house by his soldiers; he famously stated: "Be sure that all the C's are destroyed, so that the rascals cannot any longer abuse my name."
i've always heard that capitalists without a conscience love a recession. its where they make their big money ... especially in real estate -- properties for pennies on the dollar from people struggling to survive raising prices that never come back down ...
permanently tie minimum wage to the cost of living. so, when the greedy give themselves yet another raise, we all get a raise. when they give themselves yet another tax break or contract, we all get a raise. SEE HOW THAT WORKS! end this class war b.s.
They will if it falls fast enough.. It's why they got rid of the FDIC That guarantees Your bank has to have your money in there up to a hundred thousand dollars now why would they do that unless there's going to be a run on the banks?
That exactly what they are doing to the family owned farms . Cut off the USAID . Poof 60 % of their income gone . Drive them into foreclosure. Then get the land a penny on the dollar. Force the farmers into the cities for work . It’s right out of Pol Pots playbook. It will not end well .
My hubs @ I are retired boomers who live on small interest on investments & SS. Talked to our broker in investments. He & Co are actually nervous, they weren’t 2 wks ago. I’m sick, & the ppl that have 401k just tanking is going to put extra stress on us all. Not good , not good at all.
If the markets lose confidence in the US Dollar and Bond Markets, with no ‘flight to safety’ and this mountain of debt - the US financial system is done for at least a decade, probably two.
Hi everybody. As you know, I predicted a Trump recession to commence within 2 months of his office. Looks like we're on time. A Great Depression is looming: I say year-end. But it could be sooner. Rather than wait for workers to lose jobs, T*-Elon are doing the firing NOW.
It won’t be. We’re fucked. And it’s all part of the plan. Last time the government took care of the people. This time we’re selling Visas to Russian Oligarchs who can take over our country for nickels on the dollar.
If many of the things you buy suddenly cost 25% more, you likely buy less…recession guaranteed, deep recession likely, depression very possible, government collapse into violent turmoil strong likelihood.
When we turned over the keys to our economy to a raging buffoon & his complicit minions, what did we expect to happen? As long as Americans keep voting in these corrupt idiots it’s not going to get better.
Thank you. As early Gen X I always knew that social security was not likely, so I lived frugally and saved like mad to take care of my family.
Now, pffft.
Look at the 1930’s Smoot-Hawley Tariffs that led to the Great Depression….that’s what Trump is ushering in! That’s what MAGA Voted for, that’s the level of ignorance they “Cheer” for!
customers find new non tariffed suppliers, demand drops further. This is just starting. The market is trying to figure out where the bottom will be
This is a depression by design. A bankruptcy and reset, a theft from the entire world.
I have no savings, so I no longer care if the rich get stung.
It’s the Shock and Awe
meets..Crash and Burn
ending in Suffering and Death. 100%rotten
I'm no mathematician, but around 7 more days like today, and it'll be at zero...
Destroying government institutions.
Next up is inflation and recession.
Trump inherited an economy the envy of the world and he's trashed it.
Don’t fall for it.
I hate that orange turd
the dumbest recession
the dumbest world war
"Have fun!"
Nice work Republicans. Another recession thanks to you.
Why else would Trump remove protections against $laundering & housing commodification?
Yes he just removed “beneficial ownership disclosure”?
They can hide behind their number companies.
America is going to get ‘Red Dawned’ before the magas finally figure out this was never to benefit them.
want to throw the word “crash”
around. One day of trading is just
a snapshot.
And then, the normal context goes
away, and we have to
call this a bloody crash🩸
Rack up a major
round of mass layoffs
as of right now☹️
The price of eggs never delayed anyone’s retirement.
Went almost all cash the day after the election.
Lots of people laughed.
Not one apology today.
Now we must figure out how to protect our cash.
See’s recommendations here:
Maybe it will die during another one.
Americans elected this...on purpose. No one else to blame.
His father bailed him out
Then he got the GOP to support him and made money off MAGA
He is a bully but he’s also stupid
With all the mitigating factors I suspect it will be Thump_bounce_TRUMPTHUMP before end of June.
CNBC will be pitching "buy the drops" like they did in 2000 and February 2020
👆 is a real conversation I had with a MAGA dope.
I responded by saying the dow was +15K under Biden and trump’s got it in freefall.
Their response:
If you haven't already- stock up on non-perishables.
There will not be a gov't bread line this time.
…the name calling isn’t doing a thing.
Trump responded to the economic news with a series of posts, many of which were in all capital letters, complaining about a “KAMALA CRASH!!!” and predicting “THE GREAT DEPRESSION OF 2024” would soon follow:
I only buy GICs (in Canada) so while I don't earn top dollar in interest at least my principle is guaranteed. :-)
Let it fail
“No, not my blood you idiots!!!”
How did the burning of Washington go?
Donnievilles instead of Hoovervilles.
If the markets lose confidence in the US Dollar and Bond Markets, with no ‘flight to safety’ and this mountain of debt - the US financial system is done for at least a decade, probably two.
Hi everybody. As you know, I predicted a Trump recession to commence within 2 months of his office. Looks like we're on time. A Great Depression is looming: I say year-end. But it could be sooner. Rather than wait for workers to lose jobs, T*-Elon are doing the firing NOW.
And I thought I was going to retire in 4 years.
Never. I will retire in never years.
Now, pffft.
Heck, I tent camp on my vacations!!
I am grateful that I have a good job and is a desk job so if I have to work longer it is not physically stressful.
Can we get rid of them with a national majority vote of “no confidence”?
$$$ flushed down the🚽