He sent military troops to defend our border. There’s no reports on how fast it’s getting built that I can find. I guess it’s better to bore the shit out of soldiers.
His new plan is underground fencing and making all Mexicans wear shock collars... many large men with tears in their eyes say, "Sir, it works for dogs"
Totally a distraction; one that wasn't used to its fullest designed intent. Like I said elsewhere: it wasn't anticipated that the Russian connection with Trump would be exposed, and an independent counsel would be appointed. All of that investigation and spotlight, delayed what he's doing now.
Why work on a wall when it's a whole lot more fun messing with actual human lives?
He probably thinks it's going to bring more followers to his Cult, but it will have the opposite effect.
Also, it is Americans that exported weapons illegally to Mexico to arm the cartels. Most of the criminal activities from the southern border were initiated by Americans. Your country is the only one responsible for the problems.
You have to admit that the refugee crisis at the southern border is caused by Americans, not by Mexicans. Most of the drugs imported from the southern border were done by American citizens, not by Mexicans.
When they shut the Gov down over the budget during his last admim the border wall crap was removed so Dems would pass it.
Obviously, this is a more seriously corrupt and deranged cabinet this time around.
Not sure anyone is terribly interested in coming in. 🤷🏻♂️ I guess he decided it was easier to turn 🇺🇸 into a shithole fascist country to deter immigrants.
There should be a wall built to prevent Americans criminals from exporting guns illegally to Mexico. And also Mexico should start requiring visas from US visitors. This would solve border problems.
He never even talked about it at his rallies. He’s still looking for the money to send the 11 (?) million back in the other direction. I heard he hasn’t even beat Biden’s deportation numbers yet.
I think tangerine is looking at having 50cal machine guns spaced every 100 yards. Armed drones with motion sensors, drop electric wires in the Rio Grande with F-35 within 5 mile. The coasts will have full time rocket launchers plus mines along the whole coast. Canada will build a wall.
He never cared about the wall. The Tea Party never cared about the debt. The Evangelicals don't care about abortion or life.
Magats don't care about immigrants or trans people.
It's all just a con to enrage stupid, hateful people for political power and money.
Same as his promise to end the Ukraine war in day one…
Their new bogeyman is fraud, waste and abuse
Benjamin Franklin.
Simple minded propaganda that's remarkably effective. I guess that's what we have to focus on, their simple minded fears. Works for [Him].
He probably thinks it's going to bring more followers to his Cult, but it will have the opposite effect.
I'd like a wall, please.
Non-maga Americans are welcome here!!
Obviously, this is a more seriously corrupt and deranged cabinet this time around.
It was simply a slideshow to divert attention while he did some other nefarious shit.
Magats don't care about immigrants or trans people.
It's all just a con to enrage stupid, hateful people for political power and money.
I need to find South Park, it's all laid out there
Jim Jones
David Kuresh
Charles Manson
Adolf Hitler