Trump said to Zelensky, Give me your electrical supply and nuclear power plants, and I will protect them, (basically)
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Such a thug.
This is a Real Whore
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Art of the Steal
Strange that Russia does not want NATO peacekeepers in Ukraine but happy for Trumps America to move in on Ukraines power supply.
Wonder why??
Yeah … sure is ODD, isn’t it?
Pro tip: don’t do deals with Krasnov
Even AI makes his neck look like a 🐈😳
Still just a criminal shakedown. Disgusting.
Basically Trump is so full of shit it pours out of his mouth every time he opens it. Zelenski knows it. Knows he can't trust Trump. Putin bullshits Trump and Trump eats it up. See how it works😅
Jesus! I hope Zelenskyy is smarter than that!
Come on. Fuck wit sats what?
They should just hand him Chernobyl to look after !
I would not allow this asshole near an electrical outlet, let alone a nuke facility.
Your “basically” feels a lot more verbatim than I think you give yourself credit for.
Facist Pigs Ass
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don't take the bait.

Look what he did to America before the election and after inauguration...

Trump is LIAR !

personally, I think he might be the ANTI-CHRIST
Hey Donald Trump give me back my Whitehouse and I might consider just kicking your a$$ to the curb and not in prison.

Zelensky should offer a Trump Tower Kyiv and see how fast he wins this war.
I’m actually serious. I bet it would work.
What joke biggest bullshit artist off them all can’t lie straight in bed if the truth hit him in the head he’d complain like a little buddy girl 👧
putin's manchurian manhattan project?
When are his ashes going to feed the dirt.
Just like he protected Ukraine?
Am I the only that sees some promise in this? The majority of Ukrainian electricity generation is happening in the currently occupied sector
Slight correction: Zaporizhzhia has 6GW out of a total of 13 in the country. You could argue this is a hint that the suggested border will be further to the east than the current frontline, which in these days of gloom seems slightly surprising. Definitely not aligned with Novorussia
Yeah right. He will protect them just like he is protecting the U.S. Constitution, the rule of law and Americans. That is to say, not at all.
Don’t trust him #Zelenskyy. It’s all a sham… #UkraineWar
just like he protected his Taj Mahal casino
I hope he said no
I’ll be stealing this.
Trump seems to be the reincarnation of Yevgeni Prigozhin!

This is the Wagner (Putin/Russian) business model.

“Give us mineral rights and our mercenaries will fight for you.”

Wagner seized a 🇺🇦 nuclear plant, and now Trump wants similar.

Wagner had merc deal in CAR, now Trump wants in on CAR.
What an apt comparison.
And … yikes.

Ok that is good photo of Trump!
Said the wolf to little Red riding hood.
Mafia style.
The Orange Al Capone
Sure Trump will protect those nuclear plants …
Until there is a threat to them from his buddy Putin … and then the U.S. will withdraw like a scared rabbit.

TRUMP is either ON Putin’s payroll — OR he is afraid of whatever “kompromat” Putin has on him.

NO other explanation for all the a$$ kissing.
Trump said the U.S. could be "very helpful in running the plants with its electricity and utility expertise," adding that "American ownership of those plants would be the best protection for that infrastructure and support for Ukrainian energy infrastructure."
Yeah, sure it would …. NOT.
He's going to attempt to extort everything of value from ukraine.
Until daddy Vladdy tells for us to cut their power leaving them helpless to defend themselves. Putin is using fotus to bring Ukraine down from the inside.
A show of hands, if you trust trump???
“That’s a nice nuclear power plant you’ve got there. Itwould be a shame if something were to happen to it…“
President Zelenskyy, please do not trust this man. He is a pathological liar.
How? Send over US service members...get the US involved in the war?
Said the liar-in-chief.
That's the hats them traitors should be wearing. Made in Moscow from Daddy Vlady.
Third-rate criminal. He is propped up financially by Putin and select billionaires, looking to replace our democracy with a criminal oligarchy.
You’re much too kind to him.
& of course they’ll claim this is AI - looks accurate to me!
Hypothetically, wouldn't that require American boots in Ukraine?
basically the hitler stalin pact vis a vis poland going on
Yeah right. They would have been all switched off.
Anyone that supports this bastard deserves the karma coming to them.
The neck vag is very accurate
what is trump going to do with Ukrainian plants? Can't power America off of that because we're an ocean away.
And Zelensky said? I’d say KMA
The most hated man on the planet.
Haahahah idiot
Good one
Being a Russian whore he probably showers Melania in gold, if you get my drift!
Love that cap. Absofuckinglutely.
I don’t know why Elon needs EV minerals any more.

It’s not like he’ll be able to sell his cars anywhere ever again.
Don’t do it
Then what’s to prevent him from turning them over to Putin.
NOT a good deal for Ukraine.
Does that make Trimp a dictator 🤔
@PresidentZelensky DO NOT TRUST HIM!
Actions, words and Heil Hitler Nazi salutes have consequences!
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Gina Neck
Dumbass. That would include Chernobyl
Exactly 😳
These fuckers care more about commodities and controlling the means of production than they do about people.
trump is lier and con believe me the people of america know he is petty and can not be trusted
"Liar." Don't hate me.
Electricals get broken, Colonel...
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Just like he has protected all the women he raped.
He’s all about lies & blackmail.
When exactly does he crash like one of Elon’s driverless cars.
I've seen better Russian Whores than this
The lowest form of a human being.
Now let's talk about the latest power/corridor grab by Netanyahu....let's all connect the dots.
What a joke of a man.
What a joke. And not even a man.
Goddam this SLAPS!!
Better than
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I keep saying, Trump couldn’t care less about the ‘war’ part of anything. His only concern is taking advantage of the victims and making as much money for himself and his cronies as he possibly can. Ukraine, Gaza, he couldn’t care less about them. It’s all about the money! A complete bstd.
I like these red hats better ,they come in a few colors. Saw someone wearing one last week .
So Trump became a global pawn shop, let me hold this for you at 98% interest and you pick it up in 90 days.
Trump and Putin fight and make up more in public than Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton did. Sad part is Trump is never going to get the Hope Diamond from Putin no matter how many times he screws Trump.
I hope Zelenskyy rolled his eyes at that.
Never trust that con man!
Absolutely not pumpkin head.
His neck looks like he’s got a giant tooth in his throat 🤮
What a douche
Here' s our scifi dream of Putin facing JUSTICE in a beat down from Zelensky!
He is salivating with dollar signs as eyeballs over Ukraine. It's disgusting!
He* ackkk! We need an edit button, please?
We've heard THAT before
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Looks like their wish is going to come true.
Get rid of Putin. You did it with Epstein. We all know he has dirt on you. You are such a pussy. Everybody emasculates you. You rat.
That’s a redundant hat.
I would trust Trump with a lightbulb.
Good'ol Puerto Rico scenario.
More like a Russian She-dog
Melania's a what?
Elect a man with no honor;
And bring generational shame to a nation.
The golden shower tapes and more…
They’ve got a lot
of shit on Tr💩mpy
Trump is having the inscription changed on the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your rare earth, your minerals, your uranium masses yearning to be free."
100% perfect 👌
You don’t have the cards, we have the cards
NO, Z, don't do it! See: Roe v. Wade rollback, his version of protection for American women
Trump wouldn’t do one thing to protect Ukraine nothing,zilch,zero Nada,ain’t happening, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme gimme 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
Protect THEM.

Not the people.
Dump can't prevent skidmarking the Oval Office chairs, for all the "leaks" from inside the White House & his own Depends! WTF?
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Zelensky must be so tired of this B.S. Without any support he can only do so much. Shameful behaviour from an American President.