The below statement by Elon Musk is authentic.
The AfD demands a “reversal” of Holocaust remembrance in Germany and states that the Nazi Schutzstaffel were “not criminals”. More here—> …and here—>
The AfD demands a “reversal” of Holocaust remembrance in Germany and states that the Nazi Schutzstaffel were “not criminals”. More here—> …and here—>
There are certainly complexities to unpack, but none of the services were "clean."
She arrived at #Auschwitz on 21 August 1942 in a transport of 1,000 Jews deported from Drancy. She was among 817 of them murdered in a gas chamber after the selection. Eveline was 3 1/2.
Nazi Spawn Endorses Neo-Nazis
Jedes einzelne Ereignis kann als Anekdote abgetan werden, aber kein normaler Mensch behält alle Ereignisse im Blick. So gibt es am Ende nie echte Rechenschaft
I guess it’s time to start a similar database for the US Republican Party, sigh. As in Germany, many groups here have been laying the groundwork for years. I love this layout & structure, thanks!
What is he trying to achieve through all of this?