I saw a reel where it was stitched and this White Gen X guy asked why were Black GenXers so angry and the Black woman said "Because we grew up with you and thought you were different but you turned into your parents."
A word.
A word.
I am so thoroughly disappointed in my peers. We *were* supposed to be different! WTF, ⚪️ Gen X?
They brought their parents' attitudes to campus.
I'll leave it at that.
I'm more amused by my Black classmates who are either MAGA or Bernouts.
A bunch of people who grew up with punk and anti-government alt-rock but somehow didn't take any of the messages to heart
The dumbest motherfuckers I knew got into Ball State in the '90s. I always knew I was gonna go to BSU, but I applied to IU just to make myself feel better and reassure myself that Ball State wasn't my only option. 🤣
GPA & SAT’s to yours? You looked for schools that played beer pong, I wanted more.
Because it never occurred to me at that time people had a problem with other people because of their skin color.
they want even their own kids to suffer
I remember that shit.
Him: 1 school
Him: I’m going JC. Not going to waste my money like you
Them: I wouldn’t gotten into your school anyway. I’m white.
None came to my graduation. And wouldn’t even invite me to theirs.
Them: No.
Me: Then you never had a spot to begin with *duh*
The white millennials I grew up with did the same shit.