Generally, you should have a good time and a good attitude. Wave to people,and make eye contact. Above all, don't do anything you are not morally or physically comfortable with. Dress for the weather, and stay hydrated. Go before you go, and bring a snack.
Protests that started peacefully in Seattle found busloads of anarchists arrive with backpacks with tools to destroy such as ice picks to break windows etc. so yes, good advice here
I prefer being the lone nut on the street with a sign. People actually tend to read your message and you get an idea of the temperament of your area. Be original. People hate cliches. Don't make combative signs, or be combative. There are other, more surreptitious means to action.
Don't engage with the magats. You can try, but most are arguing in bad faith on bad facts The biggest point is to get people active who just don't see the danger yet or are bystander effected. But be prepared to smile politely while you're called a fucking idiot. Keep them 10ft away.
Write info on arm take milk for tear gas have a bail out buddy passive resistance dont mouth off to police they are working stiffs too. Sir and ma'am only. Wear clothes you don't care get torn or need to throw out take mass transit dont park car and expect it to be where you left it
Nope, do not use milk and do not talk to the police. Police aren't working stiffs they're class traitors and upholders of white supremacy and the state. Milk will not help with tear gas and you'll just have milk on your face.
I have used milk to great affect so ..
And if you dealing with a person with a legal gun be polite and don't talk! And I know police are split also but during arrest I will keep my views to myself i have already protested no reason to prostelize to police.
If there is even a chance that things could get rowdy (and there is always a chance) don't bring anything that could be construed as a weapon, (No pocket knives, screw drivers, or heavy flashlights).
Wear a mask if you can, it not only helps conceal your Identity, large crowds can spread disease.
Don’t say a fucking word to the cops if they start trying to get you to talk. Dont talk to strangers about where you’re from or who you came with. Hold your sign, repeat your protest words. Don’t do illegal shit. Don’t engage with the psychos. Don’t talk to cops.
Make sure your phone is locked down, no Face ID, no fingerprint ID. You’re there to protest what our government is doing not what some unformed barely
Over a teenager from the right wing psycho
Club is saying to you; don’t engage with them. Make sure you know where public land meets private.
Bring water, snacks, sunblock, hats. Handheld signs are non-threatening compared to those on sticks. Wear walking or running shoes that support your feet. Write contact info on your arm. Don't engage with IRL trolls.
Don't wear any clothing with logos. Be totally forgettable and plain. Know who has pulled permits/organized your protest. Tell someone where you're going, esp if you have pets or people you need to care for. Don't share personal details. Continuously read the vibe and know your exits. No socials.
That's a weird way to say that you've never been gas'd and beaten by police then locked in a cage and left there overnight before.. I'd advice against telling people this "Everything is super safe don't worry!" stuff.
Trusting police to always be reasonable isn't proactive planning.
Pre-determine your exit route if things go wrong.
If traveling/participating with others, pre-plan a meetup time/place if you get separated.
Dress for the weather. Wear comfortable shoes.
Message on any sign you carry should be short and factual.
Be clear on why you are there. Come up with a short, succinct statement you would give to explain your participation if asked by the media or someone who opposes it. Bonus points: memorize a couple of easily verifiable facts you can present if needed.
Tell someone where you are going.
Don’t let opponents comments get to you! Don’t argue with them, that’s what they want. I just say have a nice day, or I wish you peace and the very best - that makes them crazy when they can’t get under your skin!
Mask up, sunglasses. Don't take your phone to avoid being tracked. Public transpo to the site if able rather than your own vehicle with plates so that bad actors, including gov't ones can't identify you through the plate number. Signs that mention DJT should mention the R Party. Make them own him.
Also, be prepared to be harassed. Protesters who berated other protestors for wearing a masks saying “what are you hiding? Are you a spy? Show your face!!” It’s disconcerting. Many Young protestors lead chants masked. Your protest might not be unified. Prepare to interrupt in-fighting.
Bring water & snacks. Stay hydrated. Wear comfortable shoes and make a damn, good sign. Find someone who is playing music. Stick with them. You will be inspired all day. Take pictures. Use your voice! Sing those songs, yell those words.
I have marched many times, but this is different. Be SAFE ✊🏼
go with friends. wear practical clothing. be prepared to be patient. some fear of the unknown is natural. focus your energy on the bond with your companions.
I agree - mask! AltCDC is warning of many health concerns.
(Pls stay alert for orders recently sent out re dealing with college protestors in case those penalties are expanded to public protestors - mask wearing at college protests was specified as being illegal now.)
I believe it's in process but what's important is that the universities are signaling they will comply with enforcing these directions. No matter what current law is, it's important to understand current risk. That said, I wish every protestor (including myself) courage - may the people overcome!
I had the same thought. Where are all my cosplayers at? We need your skills right now! This is going to everyone and every skill to beat. Let's go! #notajoke
I would mention the agitators who will infiltrate the crowd trying to work people up and cause chaos and violence. Been there, experienced that several times. Be aware or your surroundings. Just ignore them. I laughed in response, not sure if that is correct response, but it was immediate reaction.
Now I see the correct response is to move away from these people so you won't get picked up if the authorities come.
Texas Paul interview with Harry Dunn. And Harry Dunn knows whereof he speaks.
Water, earplugs, sign, backpack, dog? I brought two dogs 🐶 🐶 a sign for your dog! Ask people if you can take pics of their sign and ask people if you can take a picture for them on their phone. Break the ice and talk! These are your people in your community! Have fun before it’s illegal!
Stay hydrated and safe. Be with friends, don't go off on your own, esp if there are counter protestors. Keep moving and away from the curb (unless it's a huge crowd and you've got the street).
Above all, make new friends, make noise, drumming, chants, and dance a bit. Have fun!
Even those who can't (yet) participate in the streets can get involved in organizing and evaluating the protests, which is more time-consuming than many people think. (Thanks to all the silent helpers and donors in the background for their enormous work in enabling others to protest on the streets.)
Don't try to be a hero. If you're alone, stay at the back or on the sidelines, look for escape routes, and leave in good time if the situation becomes confusing or the mood becomes aggressive. If possible, attend an action training and find a group with whom you can prepare.
A folding cane makes a nice stick for your protest sign (two sided, open on the bottom). You can take it out for protection and use it when your legs get tired. Also, allowed in federal buildings.
Bring a baby emergency kit :) sharpies, tape, tiny first aid, and a bottle of fresh water. Cover your tattoos. Have a point of contact who knows where you are OR be a point of contact for someone when you cannot attend. Talk to people when you’re there. Don’t let going alone stop you from going.
Be comfortable—wear comfy clothing and have layers! Wear your most comfortable shoes! I wear a bandana in my hair then it can also multi task to wipe eyes if needed. Bring water! Be aware of your surroundings and don’t let the police kettle you
Don’t wear easily identifiable clothing or hair, try to get your entire group to wear solid black or all the same color so you can’t be easily picked out in photos. If you take photos, take screenshots of them and post the screenshots so the data is lost. And cover faces with emojis
I went to 11 protests/marches in Los Angeles and my tip is to wear comfortable shoes. Take your phone, leave the rest of the nonsense at home. You're not going into battle. Just make a good sign. 😀
It’s a scalable experience. Be aware that you can participate at levels from sideline-witness (with a smartphone) all the way to resisting arrest.
If you look more conspicuous🧚🏻, you will get more media attention. Be prepared with a statement when they poke a mic in your face. Do not respond to 🧌.
The purpose of the entire protest movement is to occupy the police so they have less time to mess with targeted communities. Wuhite folx need to step up!
Cover identifying things like tattoos and hair color. Don't wear logos or lots of color. Don't stand out. Don't talk to cops. If you're white BE BETWEEN THE COPS AND POC! Avoid KETTLING by police.
Best advice I got was to have a way to wear your sign when you get too tired to hold it, because holding it above your head for hours is excruciating. Absolutely true.
Get familiar with anti-protest laws from local up to federal. Look up the Patriot and National Defense Authorization Acts as they have some very draconian clauses. Effective protests are when you have the face to face attention of the people who have the power to address your grievances.
Find the information for your local bail fund and provide it to your emergency contact before attending. Write that EC's # on your arm in sharpie. Leave smartphone at home if possible. If not possible, turn location off and keep it in a faraday bag. Wear a mask. Wear safety glasses to protect from 🧵
At the end of my comment I said I have marched many times in my life, but these times are different. Follow what Gwynn Ravenfire says. Good words here.
In my red state I do most of the things listed in the thread. When protesting at my state capital, I see drivers, typically men in trucks, driving the capital loop repeatedly, staring at protesters. It's like they're looking for a reason to start it's better to be prepared than not.
It’s not illegal to protest. In fact it’s enshrined in our constitution. Why would you prearrange a bail bondsman for a peaceful protest? It sounds like you want to fuck shit up. That’s not peaceful protesting.
You really don't understand what happens at peaceful protests frequently. You also clearly haven't been paying attention to what happened literally today. People were arrested at a Tesla takedown protest. Sometimes civil disobedience is part of protesting. Civil disobedience gets you arrested.
Stir clear of trouble if it breaks out. Don’t be an agitator, don’t look for trouble, don’t leave your phone at home. That’s my advice, take it or not by someone who is experienced at protesting. #1 - comfortable shoes. #2 - have fun! It’s great being with likeminded people. 😁
Pepper spray. A half mask respirator (the kind used for painting/epoxy projects) will protect you from tear gas. Do not wear any distinctive clothing. Have a water bottle and your ID.
Depending on the nature of the protest, you may want to have a lawyer's number on your body in sharpie as well. Do not record anyone's face without their permission.
This thread got heat!
INVALUABLE INFO thanks for the compilation. 🤌🏼
It only takes a few individuals for things to escalate, either in the form of overzealous kettling police mgmt or protesters moving from disruptive to violent actions
Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
If you get arrested, make sure prior to Turn off the Face ID recognition on your phone and apps. Make sure you set a strong passcode. Remember to shut the f*** up if you’re arrested. Wait to say anything till you have an attorney. Preserve your rights and protect your information.
1. Photo/Video counter protesters keep track of this information and don’t talk to them, YouTubers are a no go
2. Be aware of police, what they are doing, who they are watching
3. Face covered/non descript clothing, keep hair covered/sunglasses
4. Stay hydrated/have snack/prep/electrolytes
If any rocks or bricks on the ground pathway whatever….DO NOT PICK UP…was something I was told before my first protest…anything on the ground I’d leave it on the ground… unless it’s trash then maybe pick up with gloved hand…wouldn’t touch anything…
And if you dealing with a person with a legal gun be polite and don't talk! And I know police are split also but during arrest I will keep my views to myself i have already protested no reason to prostelize to police.
Wear a mask if you can, it not only helps conceal your Identity, large crowds can spread disease.
Over a teenager from the right wing psycho
Club is saying to you; don’t engage with them. Make sure you know where public land meets private.
1) Go with a trusted person or group if possible.
2) Not everyone is on your side - counter protesters, plain clothes cops.
3) Shoes 🚫 open toe/back.
4) Bring your spicy gear, but not the good stuff in case it's lost/broken.
5) Know your limits - leaving early is ok!
4) don't litigate or try to talk your way out. The 🐷 don't care and are ignorant to boot
5) keep contact ph (lawyer, bail,etc) written on your body.
6) if you can't be at a protest, still support through calls, emails, letters, fund drives, etc.
7) be aware of "kettling" by 🚨. Do not panic
1) park far away and use mass transit/walk if possible. When leaving, DON'T go directly back to your car; cut through parks, crowded spaces.
2) buy clothes at thrift stores and be unremarkable. Wear a mask, too, eps a respirator mask
3) don't talk if detained. Say "I want a lawyer" only
Trusting police to always be reasonable isn't proactive planning.
She asked what advice to *give to* first timers.. "Don't worry about anything, it'll be fine, just make a fun sign!!" is some seriously bad advice.
If traveling/participating with others, pre-plan a meetup time/place if you get separated.
Dress for the weather. Wear comfortable shoes.
Message on any sign you carry should be short and factual.
Tell someone where you are going.
I have marched many times, but this is different. Be SAFE ✊🏼
With trump specifically saying not to wear them i have two thoughts:
1: AI tracking??
2: if it pisses him off, good. 🦹♀️
(Pls stay alert for orders recently sent out re dealing with college protestors in case those penalties are expanded to public protestors - mask wearing at college protests was specified as being illegal now.)
(leavings on X). Has this been legislated?
Texas Paul interview with Harry Dunn. And Harry Dunn knows whereof he speaks.
Above all, make new friends, make noise, drumming, chants, and dance a bit. Have fun!
Police does not exist to protect YOU.
It exist to protect THE LAW.
If the law is designed to protect you, then kinda fine, but if the law is designed against you - they'll be first to do a big boo boo to you.
If you look more conspicuous🧚🏻, you will get more media attention. Be prepared with a statement when they poke a mic in your face. Do not respond to 🧌.
Protests are a secret between us and the cops. 😉👍
At the end of my comment I said I have marched many times in my life, but these times are different. Follow what Gwynn Ravenfire says. Good words here.
INVALUABLE INFO thanks for the compilation. 🤌🏼
It only takes a few individuals for things to escalate, either in the form of overzealous kettling police mgmt or protesters moving from disruptive to violent actions
Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
2. Be aware of police, what they are doing, who they are watching
3. Face covered/non descript clothing, keep hair covered/sunglasses
4. Stay hydrated/have snack/prep/electrolytes