Talking to my bestie tonight about how my 16 yr old no longer wants to be a history major and an archivist bc he's watching the Tr*mp regime destroy the Natl Archives and our history. He replied, "Pretty sure we will need all the historians in the near future to rebuild what is being destroyed now."
As a lifelong librarian of 20+ years, I feel like it’s our duty to deputize as many librarians, archivists, preservationists, curators as possible.
Tell him a lifelong librarian asked that he fix firmly in mind some tradition unique to this world, that he seeks to preserve, …
Tell him that a lifelong librarian has asked him to fix firmly in mind some tradition he’s uniquely equipped to preserve, and has hereby deputized him to preserve it.
Librarian, archivist, preservationist, lorekeeper. Whatever he prefers. Just don’t let go of the drive to help others remember.
I think it just did.
In a way, there's plenty we needed to address. But the scope & speed of all these moving parts is insane. 🫠 We each have a our part.🫶