Never got to see it in theatres but I had it on a DVD, it quickly became one of my favourite animated movies of all time, a bit of a comfort movie one might say
It’s certainly one of the Underrated Disney Films. I’d add Atlantis, the Lost Continent (despite its unacknowleged borrowing from Nadia: the Secret of Blue Water), the criminally badly publicised John Carter, Dragonslayer, and Something Wicked This Way Comes to the list.
I saw a post on reddit some months ago by a guy who'd never seen any of the Disney films as a kid, so he watched them ALL, ranking them on a tier list.
He LOVED Atlantis, so I was excited to see what he thought about Treasure Planet.
Because of this animation, I remember watching a 1987 miniseries with Ernest Borgnine that had the same idea: a futuristic version of "Treasure Island." It was "Space Island"/"L'isola del tesoro".
Well, now we usually watch movies for older kids. :)
Dd loved it so much that she finagled me into buying all the McDonald's toys so we could build the entire ship. She pretended to be the Captain a lot.
He LOVED Atlantis, so I was excited to see what he thought about Treasure Planet.
He hated it. Oh well. Agree to disagree. |D