24/ IXION (game, 2022)
More ambitious, a traveling space station management game in an atmosphere close to BSG. There is so much to manage, both inside and outside our ship.
I have already come back to this game several times. And it's coming on consoles this year.
More ambitious, a traveling space station management game in an atmosphere close to BSG. There is so much to manage, both inside and outside our ship.
I have already come back to this game several times. And it's coming on consoles this year.
Close to 2001, this sci-fi adventure/thriller makes us take on the role of the AI controlling a space station. We thus participate in the story via the cameras.
And you don't need to know more.
It's a love story between parent and child, set behind a spectacular journey into space. One of my greatest experiences in a cinema.
The docking scene remains one of my favorite space scenes. What tension!
I chronicled the creation of the film on my Patreon.
The special effects have aged poorly, the pacing too, but it remains one of the films of my childhood. Pretty scary for a Disney production. The feeling of being on the verge of the end of the universe always keeps me in suspense.
The last scene is *chief's kiss*.
It's basically Skeleton Crew without Star Wars.
Children build a homemade ship and have an adventure in space. The last third is a bit weaker, but this movie still a lot of fun. After all, it's a Joe Dante movie!
Return to the origins of sci-fi with this Soviet film based on a book by Alexei Tolstoy. It's obviously very different from the films we watch a century later, but it's a real time capsule.
If you are interested in the history of sci-fi, this is unmissable.
Another classic, but more accessible (because more recent and, well, more American). It's the forerunner of Star Trek. A ship lands on a distant planet and STUFF happens.
Find out for yourself if you haven't already.
I think it's cool that a cool series comes from a cool movie.
Or, predating the internet: other people recommending one's favourite validates one's tastes.