You're absolutely right. "Compromise" is a liberal pipe dream the Democratic Party uses to thwart the creation of a true leftist party. They want us to compromise with people who rejoice in the suffering of marginalized groups and celebrate the denial of their human rights. FUCK THAT 100%, I say.
we built a whole society on the basic idea of respecting every possible viewpoint and look where that got us. sometimes you just gotta tell some people that they suck shit and are not welcome
We listened to every guidance counselor tell us, "Try telling the bully that it hurts your feelings when they bully you." We had, all of us, learned that it was bullshit before we left grade school. Yet grown adults still stand by it & pretend not to know better.
Like cop shows. There are SO FUCKING MANY of them, and they're all produced to make cops look like sympathetic heroes, to manipulate viewers into trusting the police. That shit needs to stop, but it seems like there's a new one every day...
even the couple of examples of Nazi art that people point to like “Triumph of the Will” and the endless stream of Nazi-produced neofolk, mainstream black metal, NSBM, power electronics, etc. are all fucking garbage, even the couple of examples that people cite as being artistically relevant
i mean yes that but i would go much deeper when analyzing the aesthetic choices at play in any given work and how said choices speak to the creator's thoughts on counterculture and resistance
yeaaaa like, there's so much more to be read in a piece of art than just its surface level message. and i think we have to get better at reading those things
Wait, so what’s fascist about his work? I’m not trying to start an argument I’m just curious. I always thought his art depicted an idealized version of reality and was cute but also very bland in that regard.
accepting every possible viewpoint is a rejection of reality. different truths can't coexist, there is such a thing as being correct and there is such a thing as being wrong
It's like how early chat bots without moderation started posting hateful stuff so they had to put in rules and controls to prevent it. There's a contingent of people who would rather spread misery
I "let people enjoy things" if my opinion is the minority. I don't like having to dip from the comments and ignore notifications after getting dragged for an unpopular opinion, but I also don't like defending my opinions to people who aren't going to change their minds no matter what I say.
I don't know if EVERYONE is valid, but I definitely don't want to be loud about all the hate living in my heart, especially when it's something I hate purely on aesthetic and I'm talking to someone where it's their whole life. Some shit just ain't that deep.
You can love someone deeply and profoundly, to the point where you would fight for their freedom, and still think that they're an asshole who doesn't tie the trash bags right.
People remember negativity far more than they remember anything positive. If you want to be remembered, be a hater. Kendrick Lamar is now a household name for hating on Drake. If he dissed Snoop at the Super Bowl, he'd become immortal.
Laws against assault protect too many people who deserve to get punched in the teeth. How many times do we tell ourselves, "It's not worth the jail time."? More judges should be sympathetic to the "'The SOB had it coming' defense."
Empower haters from the ground up, enable them to seize power, make it unprofitable for the fossils to keep on keeping on, etc. Basically steal tactics from the GOP and go Moms for Liberty-grade angry and build up.
I love hating shit and expressing that hate, that way it doesn't stay bottled up inside me and rot me from the inside. If I didn't rant about some nonsense at least once a day I'd pop
Same. I can't think of a single time I've heard someone say, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all," and it didn't make me want to cut a bitch. Ranting is cathartic, and I will not be denied. Don't like it, walk away, or keep scrolling.
Now is the time of Karma. Flip investigations since he is committing Treason and Breaching Espionage Act. Search his homes, his offices at Plants including systems for records if his plan with Trump. Fight Back!
Someone needs to let the Democrats know that they need to stow their bananas. Find a couple big fire sticks and get busy. Alas, I don’t see the Ds rising to the occasion.
(sorry but I saw this post again and I had to)
Them: "Violence isn't the answer."
Me: *punches a Nazi*
Stuff I hate passionately? Hell yeah.
now we just gotta focus that energy elsewhere, and I'm ready
In the Year 25
'Cross the Aisle is over,
Eat those fuckers alive
And I'm sorry, but I hate to have Hate for my family who has stumbled into a Hellish Sea and are announcing "it's fine"