I can't prove it, but it also wouldn't be surprising if many conversations on X are already entirely synthetic. Elon has the AI, and Elon has the data. Pulling this off wouldn't be difficult. It's just a mindfuck that makes people stop believing in anything.
Jeg slettede min profil helt den dag (20/11-24) Elon polemiserede mod en navngiven føderal embedsmand overfor sine 200m følgere med slet skjult "gør livet svært for denne mand" undertekst. 15 år og 46.000 tweets, så Twitters velmagtsdage savner jeg stadig - de betød og har betyder meget.
I know👍🏼 just kidding, but honestly I had very few constructive dialogues with “the other side” on xhitter. There’s a slightly higher chance of that here :)
Ive been here first - then tried X last couple off weeks to see what it was like - and its wild rather unpleasent starting to impact my online civility getting more nasty always beeing provoked. But when i go back here its boring..🤷♂️
I started on xhitter. The tone became very toxic, you never knew if it was a bot/human on the other end, and also hard to get a good reach. It was liberating to move here, but I do understand what you mean. It just takes a little extra work here, and then one get a better exchange of ideas, I think.
Jeg skiftede til Bluesky for en måneds tid siden, og slettede min X profil, fordi jeg ikke ville støtte X på nogen måde.
Du har ret i, at det er mere et ekkokammer her…. Til gengæld er her virkelig meget seriøs information. Og for hver dag, kommer der flere til og det bliver mere nuanceret.
Do not give Elon any data, friends. Thanks to everyone taking this step. 🫡
‘in the Maga world’.
Du har ret i, at det er mere et ekkokammer her…. Til gengæld er her virkelig meget seriøs information. Og for hver dag, kommer der flere til og det bliver mere nuanceret.