based on the law where i live, i can be arrested for doing a poetry reading anywhere that isn’t exclusively 18+. i had to quit my job leading a local book club at a bookstore. i don’t think people realize how surreal things are becoming for trans people on the level of day-to-day life. crazy shit.
Not sure I believe that shit anymore. But I still hope it's true.
This latest ramping up of attacks feels like a desperate move by the right. They've nothing left but outright hate and division.
Hope is becoming a muscular thing
I worry about people I love constantly
cultivating inner love and shit like that. not just persevering through the terror, but allowing it to reshape me in various ways that make me more curious about myself and others. a sense of desperation to find a path out of this spiral, for all of us.
that is nothing short of a fascist regime's first steps.
I we as a race can avoid this shit of getting any worst, and eventually make it normal and humane again.
stay safe, and I'm very sorry.
We were able to axe that dumb law here in TN (Memphis drag Queen group got it axed on first amendment grounds day before pride) but it sounds like where you are at it got a lot more traction.
- being apart from people you may want/have to care for
- losing job
- losing friends
- losing social hubs
- $ for moving belongings/pets
- cost of replacing belongings
I bet I'm missing some stuff.
yikes dude
Poetry is best read aloud, even if you're alone.
We're there in so many places and people still pull some whataboutism bullshit on us