I’ve already seen it today. Honestly, I don’t think that should be a today only policy - it should be an every day policy. He’s gone and replaced by someone better who didn’t harass anyone. Let it the fuck go.
I felt you could _almost_ have argued the one where he was shown with his hands not actually on the not-sleeping right wing comedienne's torso - because it was a bit, and a stunt-shot... but the other 7 allegations definitely nailed that coffin shut, for me.
That and there are plenty of already active progressive politicians to uplift. Why are y'all digging through the mothballs to bring out an old pervert?
I mean besides the misogyny and patriarchal bullshit.
Apparently she's still serving and that's 90% of the job. Keeping the vote alive.
My issue though is Republicans never step down amid accusations and they weaponize them against Democrats. RFK said, "I never claimed to be a saint. Next question," and trump just brushed it off as well.
I'm just saying why can't Democrats hold Republicans to the high standards Republicans hold Democrats to? There's disparate procedures for handling sexual assault on the left vs the right. They'd lose half of them if they stepped down including Trump.
Some people go on and on about how important they think democracy is - until they get a chance to run a man out of office because then they can appoint a woman. And flip the bird to the voters.
So, you guys don't really believe in democracy, or due process. Just whatever works.
Yep. Any creep who serially nonconsensually gropes people in the one way that just so happens to coincidentally not be a criminal sexual assault in his home state only is a creep who doesn't need to be in elected office.
That's not illegal in his state? I know where I live it's got to be repeated to be harassment (because people do it in sports, platonically. I never did it, though people did it to me) but it's definitely sexual harassment.
It may be harassment if it's repeated but in Minnesota it is not a sexual assault, which it is in many (most?) other states. It is still a non-sexual assault, but that was his whole schtick about not being a sex pest, "just" misreading social cues or whatever.
What would have been so bad with having an actual investigation, rather than running him out over thin accusations of aggressive hugging?
I liked us better when we had principles.
I mean besides the misogyny and patriarchal bullshit.
My issue though is Republicans never step down amid accusations and they weaponize them against Democrats. RFK said, "I never claimed to be a saint. Next question," and trump just brushed it off as well.
So, you guys don't really believe in democracy, or due process. Just whatever works.
People who support democracy respect the will of the voters. And, BTW, due process.
More Dems wanted him gone than Clarence Thomas. Dumb party.
"Franken, she said, had squeezed her waist..."
Which, yeah. Might be a reason for that...