The funniest part about that window is it was just long enough for ppl to start to talk about A&M as a blue blood and a great job (despite all historic evidence to the contrary) and now that they’re back in the same conference as Texas they immediately feel like little brother again lol
Blue blood what? I went to the University of Chicago for undergrad. We stopped playing football in the 1930s and we still got more nattys in maroon than aggy.
The smart play is to refuse to play your rival after they leave the conference in response to you forming your own network in an effort to circumvent tv revenue sharing
As bad as things got between Mack and Sark, they weren’t anywhere as bad as they were in the late ‘80s and early-to-mid ‘90s. We had four different seasons with four and five wins.
That said, we also had the last-ever SWC title in ‘95 and the first-ever Big 12 title in ‘96.
if tamu stayed, the 5-7 season would have been 6-6 and longhorns would have made a bowl, more recruits, and reduce the timespan of "rebuilding years". By leaving Big 12, tamu actually extended the Down Bad duration. In this essay I will
Texas under Tom and Charlie mostly got up for the big games then lost to Kansas the week after. They would have destroyed A&M and no letdown game later to bring down the offseason vibes.
That said, we also had the last-ever SWC title in ‘95 and the first-ever Big 12 title in ‘96.