I watched the original, then I watched it out the back window of a car while we were at the drive-in to see Cat From Outer Space, and then I listened to “The Story of Star Wars” on LP over and over.
They're incredibly elucidating to understanding the appeal and origins of Star Wars.
I also recommend serials like the Commando Cody series (which inspired the Clone Trooper Commander Cody) or Captain Marvel to get the feel of what GL was emulating.
Hogwash! Masters of the Universe 1X, Chapter IV 2X (to wipe MOTU from memory), and Chapter V 6X to repeatedly watch that Skywalking boob get stuffed inside a Tantan making a whinny, force-wielding, brat pizza roll.
I could make a case that the second and third releases heavily edited into one film could have been a worthy watch, especially with some serious CGI to replace the Ewoks.
I haven't seen them either...
If you want the real stol... Uh, influence on Star Wars, check out Valerian.
I also recommend serials like the Commando Cody series (which inspired the Clone Trooper Commander Cody) or Captain Marvel to get the feel of what GL was emulating.