I took a chance and watched these when my kiddo was 4. I figured the wraiths would give them nightmares and that would be the end of it.
No, they got absolutely all in. They asked me to pause it roughly every 5 minutes to explain what was happening. Took ~5 days to make it through the trilogy.
This might sound like hell to most, but for me pausing and explaining the importance of several converging plotlines to somebody who actually wants to know was a heaven I didn't know existed.
Never happened before, or since.
TL;DR You know what makes the extended editions better? Extending them.
I've been reading It to my son and it has definitely been a lot of fun 'annotating' the text as we go to someone who also enjoys digging into the background lore of a story
(Note: I am the pot and you’re the kettle)
Joey is on an anime kick but a) he doesn’t like watching any “from the 90s” and b) he doesn’t like sci fi anime so … we don’t watch much together
I’ll also make a lot of time for big haired guys fighting with fireballs
He told me last night he’s been binging Attack on Titan which I would think (from the title) is sci fi but I guess not.
People do not like LOTR trivia info dump?
I have the memory of a gnat. Trivia is new and exciting in my brain every time. I rewatch shit every 4 years like it's almost new.
We're about to start our annual watch. Baz insists.
No, they got absolutely all in. They asked me to pause it roughly every 5 minutes to explain what was happening. Took ~5 days to make it through the trilogy.
Never happened before, or since.
TL;DR You know what makes the extended editions better? Extending them.