Good morning from Washington DC.
Over on Twitter, we had a tradition: a Friday chat called #SimonsPlace
We are updating the logo, it is now called #PennysPlace in honor of my bulldog friend.
To kick it off, let’s introduce ourselves. Say good day and roll with it.
Over on Twitter, we had a tradition: a Friday chat called #SimonsPlace
We are updating the logo, it is now called #PennysPlace in honor of my bulldog friend.
To kick it off, let’s introduce ourselves. Say good day and roll with it.
Pint please.
That’s a return to form.
Bit long. Always too long.
But great idea.
I'm hoping we get everyone together again..
We’ve got he’s new to the party but he’s an IRL G. So he’s good.
Good morning to everyone from #PennysPlace where the coffee is strong and in’s honor: from GA.
I used to live in Lawrenceville, GA and now I live 10 minutes away from Canada.
Enjoy your coffee
Good morning to YOU!
You don't know what you really know until you have to teach it to someone.
Carly has a lot going for her. She lives in GA, drinks IPA, is in #marketing, but, most importantly, supports SPURS!
Pull up a mug and poor yourself some coffee then.
Happy Hour starts a bit later.
Here's my introduction!
I'm Dave.
I'm the proprietor of Penny's Place, but Penny is the real boss of the house.
The boy.
Me and my lady.
I have run a solo #strategy and #branding consultancy since 2007 when I sold a business in #tickets.
I am the first branding professor for a new university that focuses on adult education called Cedar Mountains University.
I follow Alabama and Tottenham. I am a Mets fan, but only watch when they are good.
Here, I'm going to joke around and not take myself too seriously.
For now, a hashtag it is.
So we may have to be more conscious of using the hashtag and such.
I’ll see myself out.
Phillip Oakley here, PO (like Edgar Allen Poe) to my friends and teammates.
Marketing, branding, soccer/football, dad jokes, puns and memes all day.
Let's give PO a round of slow claps.
Welcome to #PennysPlace.
I’ve been chilling martini glasses all week just for today.
I’m Tom, a twitter refugee on a small boat headed for Dover.
This is Obi-Wan Tinker. The force is strong.
Unless there are treats.
I'm Alastair, a sometime accountant with a taste for terrible jokes...
Forest Hills, near UDC.
If I must, I could walk to the 9:30 Club.
I've seen some great shows there.
Including, Foo Fighters on the night they re-opened after being shut for a long time for COVID.
I’m Carly. I’m originally from St. Louis, but moved to ATL 3 years ago. I’m a former baseball writer who transitioned into marketing. Massive sports fan, lover of all things IPAs and red wine, and I have two black cats that have better luck than Spurs.
I, too, love an IPA.
I also am an OG from GA. I grew up NE of Athens in Wilkes County.
My family sent me some Creature Comforts IPAs for my birthday.
They actually got me the Winter IPA because I mentioned that I would like that.
No one can ever figure out what to get me for a gift.
A+ gift.
I’ll show my beer fridge to #PennysPlace later.
I may be embarrassed. But screw it.
At Penny’s no one judges you.