Talk to me about Kingdom Come Deliverance
It’s a game I’m interested in but idk what I’d be getting into
It’s a game I’m interested in but idk what I’d be getting into
Oh, and there's sword fighting and stuff too, I guess.
Depending on the platform you play, some experiences may change.
Its a good chunk of content with DLC and imo a great feeling going from a peasant to a beast over time
Best medieval simulator in gaming
Dark Souls blindfolded has nothing on lockpicking on console 🤣
This is the game 🙃
Ok I’m in
I may have to commit to it 😭
You are the son of a blacksmith you can't read lol
Lore books in the environment? Can't read those. The game doesn't prevent you from trying, but it jumbles the passages
You have to pay a scribe to teach you.
Medieval Life Simulator/RPG
It’s amazing.
It's arguably the best medieval RPG sim ever and I can't recommend it enough to anyone with patience!
Skills increase as you use them
Combat is based on real historical martial art techniques
World reacts to you and your actions
Several ways to solve all the quests and objectives
One of the best
A bit janky. But it’s one of the least hand-holdy games I’ve played in a LONG time. It’s an unmatched Grade A medieval sim. And it genuinely have me the awed and obsessed sense of exploration Skyrim did as a kid.
You start out as a lowly 13th century commoner, getting your but kicked by the town drunk and sucking at literally everything in life, and by the end you’re taking on 6 brigands at a time.
12/10 would brawl at the tavern again.
The world is beautiful and the atmosphere and characters really convincing.
Combat was lacking though, and it doesn't look like it's been improved that much.
Shit this game might be for me
How long was your playthrough?
I'd say it was probably around 50 hours for me. Also loved just taking it easy and kinda lead his life. Slowing down, playing some dice game in town, eating and going to bed at the appropriate times etc. So I probably took longer than average
There are so many games coming out this year that I want to play
It's one promising game after the other this year. February is absolutely stacked
You go from being a runt to partying with nobles and fighting in tournaments for fame and glory.
10/10 wonderful experience you won't regret.
protip: Stay with Main Questline until they teach you how to fight and then let Captain B. teach you master strike and then there's nothing stopping you.
Ok im in
Sort of like the Witcher
Two banging Mission songs.
Plus the countering\master stroke system essentially makes actually attacking and using the combos more dangerous than sitting there and being totally defensive.
Rest of the world benefits from the realism too. Very detailed, intelligent npcs, crime system, reasons to go out in the world (foraging, alchemy, cooking) etc.
Story was a bit simple but it's more about the world itself.
I think the 2nd game will improve the first entirely, but you will definitely need to know the 1st game's story.
- How do you aim?
- You... Do your best.
That response pretty much sums it up. But the game isn't crazy difficult, just keep doing stuff, and it will all click. Absolutely delightful experience, great fun.