A better message would be: remove the limits on social security contributions. A lot of people don't understand that the wealthy stop paying social security taxes after a dollar threshold is met.
None of this is happening because the stupidity of the American voter who gave them the trifecta. Now the GOP is openly taking shots at social security because they feel no need to worry about the US public.
We earned nothing we were FORCED BY LAW to pay into it, along with medicare. If they want to scuttle it, refund the money we forked over, along with the money our employers forked over on our behalf.
Such a phony scenario.
Part 1 - party Y claims X is cutting social security.
Part 2 - entity X says they will not cut social security and have no plans to.
Part 3 - party Y claims victory.
This is so shallow and transparent. Show where people’s benefits are proposed to be cut, hint - you can’t.
Fear. Anger. Division. Confusion.
There is a method to their madness. Misdirection for a $3 trillion heist.
The Trump Criminal Organization is coming for the Social Security Assets Reserve.
100% and its NOT PART OF THE GENERAL FUND they want you to think it is, but they want to make it part of it to destroy it ! Its also a safety insurance program !
Wrong, it was never a tax. Everyone pays into Social Security in the USA, established by the Social Security Act of 1935. And, its PURPOSE was provide a safety net for workers & their families, offering financial protection during old age retirement, unemployment, disability & death.
Most Americans believe Social Security funds are deducted off their pay by their employers & will to be available to them in the future as a secure guaranteed Government old age retirement pension.
Most normal civilized democracies have a mandatory paid into Government old age pension system.
It’s not a pension, it’s pay-as-you-go social insurance designed to protect individuals and families from the loss of income that occurs due to old age, death or disability.
Trump-voting millennials, etc. won't care about Trump gutting Social Security until their parents show up on the doorstep with their suitcases and medical bills
This video came out some months ago, but i think it fell through the cracks, because it only got 1K likes. This needs more attention. Evidence of collusion between church and state. Please share this, thank you ❤️🤍💙 https://youtu.be/PY_chqyaRHo
If Felon 47’s weaponization of the justice department against attorneys isn’t a crisis worthy of SCOTUS intervention, I don’t know what is. He is trying to deny Americans from legal representation & intimidate attorneys so they won’t accept cases
I can't help but think that this situation will explode and there will be blood. The first day when Americans actually shoot each other for political reasons. I am afraid is no longer a question of “if” but of “when”. Somebody it’s going to get violent, eventually. So many weapons per capita. #peace
FACTS!!! Just like how Fred Noonan earned the right to be remembered as more than just “that guy with Amelia.” He navigated across oceans without GPS—man deserved a pension, a parade, AND a punchcard!!! LOL don’t let ‘em forget your benefits OR your copilots!!!
We need to privatize social security so a few rich guys can buy it, leverage it to the hilt, pay themselves generously and then let it go belly up. https://flip.it/soo4z5
Your donation is the simplest thing you can give to me and my family, but it means life to us. We are living in extremely difficult conditions, and any help can make a huge difference. Please donate and share the link.🥹❤️
I've got an idea !!! Instead of stealing from social security and removing health care -- Let's get the uber wealthy to pay their share of taxes and social security .... That would work !!!!!
Exactly but the messaging from Dems on Social Security is wrong and it's driving me crazy! They emphasize cuts are cruel and it's our money which is true, we need to emphasize that SS doesn't cost us anything other than a little admin. It is self-funding. CUTS DON'T HELP THE DEFICIT!
When you go on SSI first, at age 63 they split it into SS + SSI. The total of the 2 can't be more than SSI plus $20 a month. It's $960 right now. In the last 16 years, NEITHER party has even expressed interest in fixing it. COLA results in SNAP cuts and subsidized rent goes up for little or no gain.
And everything- prices & COL increase with every COLA smh every damn time. IF we had a decent good Congress under ANYadmin they would’ve done something about the opportunistic rat bags who foam at the mouth in anticipation every year to increase prices
Social Security is the very definition of entitlement. That word is bandied about as = the phrase "sense of entitlement". They are, of course, NOT the same and are in fact antithesis
Indeed, I get your pojnt. What I fail to see is how anyone (but the folks who paid for it) can touch it. Let alone take the money and use it to reduce taxes for the already too rich.
Please don’t call them benefits. Not that this will stop anyone but these *earned services*. I understand it will not stop the presses but all they see is the word benefit which equals free to them.
Stop them from putting their hands on it. They want your pay in invested into a private entity like a BlackRock or Blackstone or some other investment firm. Corporations like Home Depot its owner does like paying into social security for his employees. He has put money against SS benefits.
It is an entitlement and we are entitled to it. Trump and his morons have tried to make the word "entitlement" a bad thing and connect it to some kind of welfare.
I hear you, but that meme actually gets used by the privatizers as an argument for converting SS into a 401K system, vs. the current defined-benefit system where current retirees are on average drawing way more than they put in + interest.
Those are the facts rn.
Read it again.
It’s our money they are stealing.
Part 1 - party Y claims X is cutting social security.
Part 2 - entity X says they will not cut social security and have no plans to.
Part 3 - party Y claims victory.
This is so shallow and transparent. Show where people’s benefits are proposed to be cut, hint - you can’t.
There is a method to their madness. Misdirection for a $3 trillion heist.
The Trump Criminal Organization is coming for the Social Security Assets Reserve.
💰You’ve paid into SS with every job you’ve ever had, it’s your money.
💰Trump & Elon want your SS to pay for tax cuts for Billionaires.
Most normal civilized democracies have a mandatory paid into Government old age pension system.
...and don't fool yourself -this WILL happen.
MUCH MUCH worse.
Hoo boy
-the contents of their savings CLAWED BACK
THEN Trump/Musk will proclaim loudly that all those who dropped off (homeless and starving) were FRAUDSTERS
Who pays how much and where it gets spent is why we vote.
Choose wisely.
What's next, #felon taking your savings account?
How is it possible?
NOT earned
We PAY for it every week
The money he stole for the Iraq war
It wasn’t a loan