Medicaid & Medicare have a 2-3% overhead. For-profit health insurance has a 20% overhead & near unlimited on drug costs.
Both provide the exact same doctors & meds. The only difference is for profit had massive markup to pay for CEO bonuses & private jets.
We need universal healthcare. Period.
Both provide the exact same doctors & meds. The only difference is for profit had massive markup to pay for CEO bonuses & private jets.
We need universal healthcare. Period.
As a cancer surgeon, probably I can’t. 1/2
Medicare for All is a winner.
93% "coverage" is not acceptable under the principle of universality.
Everyone, regardless of whether they are right or left, has healthcare issues.
It is time to change the conversation.
But the biggest argument I hear is that we should not eliminate an entire industry. I don't know enough so I'm ambivalent towards that. ( I assume they could easily transition into other markets)
Then he ran against the author of the Universal Healthcare bill 24 years later to make sure UH in the United States stays dead.
Less hospitals, doctors and pharmacies: more expensive hospitals, doctors and pharmacies.
More sick, dead people.
They said the same thing when the IRS wanted to provide free software to do our taxes
Well, the IRS is now starting to provide that software for free because tax companies took advantage of us
Time for universal health care