Ask yourself why your not joining this man and this movement
Ask yourself why the democrats are not following his leadership
Ask yourself why the democrats are not following his leadership
HE deserves the Nobel Peace Prize and certainly deserves massive media attention.
But Bernie was better on women's issues than Hillary was.
I have followed his career since he was mayor, I love him.
He really screwed us over in 2016.
It's hard to trust him again.
But he accepted the deal and then went around causing havoc.
When we needed a united Front behind Hillary.
He is very much part of the reason we are here.
The biggest problem we faced in the 2016 election was the electoral college.
Seriously, go back to the Twitter posts around that time, the non-mainstream media, and see what was going on.
He damaged us.
His performance after the primary showed a side of him that won't recover.
He could have been a force to be reckoned with and an army of young new leaders behind him.
He chose to let his pride run the day.
We keep insisting that the pubes not rewrite history, so let's not do that ourselves.
I mean, let's face it, our leaders are messing us up.
Eventually, he got on board, but he caused a lot of damage.
We vets will fight & die for this country so yall don’t have to. They know this.
After 3 decades of combat in the worst places in the world, they FEAR US!
Let’s add to that fear! COME STAND WITH US. Let’s SCARE the fuck out these piss ants.
Sorry for spamming.
(speaking as one who voted for him twice)
Sanders is old and there's nobody coming forward to replace him.
I used say "the problem's America, not Americans".
But you voted him in, so YOU are the problem.
Yanqui go home.
And stay there.
we Know
Many ARE
When are you going to a no oligarchy tour in Washington state?
are we still doing the feel the bern thing?
Got the rear window of my car smashed out in 2016 because I had a Bernie sticker on it...
I wish you could grab that loud boom box you’re so famously known for- and blast it at any March in today’s world. We need big profile people to show at our protests!
What he said back then with foresight, is now what is.
He is one of the bravest voices out there.
Now, your choices are
1) A new constitution
2) Ranked choice voting in all majority compact states re electoral college
3) take over an existing party
Your plan
4) start from scratch
Has been tried and failed again and again and again
Because by my count, he has been a steadfast voice for actual progressive policy and civil rights well before it was popular.
I'm absolutely in support of shedding the Democratic Party, but why villainize Sanders?
I agree, in the face of a plutocratic/fascist take-over, progressives are desperate for a savior. But labeling anyone who gets elected as "elite" feels like bad faith.