…honestly it FEELS a lot better and is a ton of fun. Dialogue is hit or miss, some characters obviously have a lot of attention put into them while some are nothing more than one note “he’s right behind me, isn’t he?” Type stuff. The character creator is bad. I’m only in the first main area though.
…but if you don’t enjoy their other titles you’ll probably feel the same about Avowed. Maybe I’m not looking in the right places but I’ve never seen anyone pretend that Outer Worlds is a remotely good game. Maybe I just have a vendetta against that one idk. I get that sentiment for NV though.
… to beat the main story in like, 10 hours? I wasn’t even rushing. 90% of the conflict was avoided with speech checks and it just drained any fun that may have been there for me. I get that’s how I built my character but being able to talk down the final boss with a speech check? Seriously?
Amen to that. I played OW at launch at it was just boring. Absolutely boring. The characters were uninteresting, the areas weren’t appealing and the story was meh. Also what’s the deal with being able to talk your way out of everything? I did a Han Solo type smooth talking gunslinger and I managed..
That’s pretty much spot on. Perhaps I’m a bit charitable towards it because I’ve been craving another TES entry for over a decade. In terms of Obsidian titles I’ve only played NV & OW. Avowed is nowhere near the quality of NV but is FAR better than OW. If you can catch a sale try it out…
I find NV overrated and always did, played it about a year after launch and just found it underwhelming because people over-hyped it. Like NN2, and PoE are two of my favourite games and Stick of Truth is decent, but the rest of their games? Eh.
As a LOOONG time RPG fan I’d say it depends on what you want. I’m 8 or so hours in (taking my time, side questing) and hooked. The exploration is great, a lot of your abilities have use outside of combat. The environments are all gorgeous and well crafted. The combat may LOOK floaty but…
For the record, I find their games fine. Just fine.