'Global warming is speeding up. Another reason to think about geoengineering'
NASA GISS data shows that the past decade was 0.33°C warmer than the preceding decade.
This is the fastest warming rate in known history!
As I said 1.5 years ago, there are no easy choices.
NASA GISS data shows that the past decade was 0.33°C warmer than the preceding decade.
This is the fastest warming rate in known history!
As I said 1.5 years ago, there are no easy choices.
But what alternative do we have.
Renewables & green tech aren't going to deliver the outcomes we need.
If anywhere a unusual draught or similar surfaces, they will of course blame the geoengineering
treating the symptoms
instead of the cause,
is the "lazy" approach,
humans all too often prefer.
we drastically REDUCED emissions, geoengineering might be able to help to get things back into a balance,
but wanting to use it beforehand
is plain stupid and will cause havoc